Monday, January 9, 2023

The Light Has Come

Isaiah 60:1-3

One thing that is noticeable during the months of November and December here in the Northern Hemisphere, especially the further north one goes, is that we rapidly begin to lose daylight, and the nights grow longer.  For some people, myself included, that is not a big deal.  It doesn’t really bother me.  But for others, the lack of daylight can really affect their mood.  Now that we are getting close to the middle of January, the return of more daylight hours is observable.  In our short Scripture today from the Prophet Isaiah this morning we read about coming out of darkness and into the light.  Let’s see what we can learn from God’s Word.

With the exception of sleeping or watching a movie in a theater, most people prefer to be in a room with ample light.  If you’ve had a string of cloud-covered days, many people begin craving the sunlight to return.   And when we might find the need to go into more dangerous neighborhoods, we always try to stay on well-lit streets.  Those streets are the ones the criminals tend to avoid.  You’ll find them in the dark, where their actions and sins are hidden.  Throughout the Bible we see that the words of “light” and “darkness” are often being used as symbols of righteousness and godliness versus sin.

This world is in darkness, the darkness of sin and Satan (vs. 2).  Ever since that first sin in the Garden of Eden, the world has been plunged into darkness.  All of our attempts to find salvation through our own efforts are like groping around in the dark trying to make our own way.  When there is no light, we are at risk of banging into things, tripping, and even getting seriously hurt.  Spiritual darkness is even worse.  The longer we stay in the darkness of sin, the harder it is to get out.  We need light!

Isaiah tells us here that we can get up and shine, for light has come! (vs. 1).  After those long months in the winter with little sunshine, we all rejoice when the daylight increases.  After the electricity has been off for a while due to a powerful storm, we’re happy when the lights pop back on. If we’re stranded somewhere in the dark, we are so grateful to see some light coming towards us.  The world had been in the darkness of sin for so long with no hope, but now light has come.

What light is that, someone may ask.  Who is the only One who is able to break the darkness of sin?  The answer is the only One who has never sinned Himself, who is thus able to pay the penalty for sin, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the Light of the world (John 8:12).  Those who follow Him, who accept Him as their Savior, believing that He died for their sins, are no longer walking in darkness.  Jesus brings light and life, and His life brought light to men (John 1:4, 9).

Satan tried to put out the light that Jesus brought.  All through the Gospels we read of many attempts that were made to silence Jesus, and to even kill Him.  Eventually the Jewish Sanhedrin arrested Jesus and had Him crucified.  Satan may have thought that he succeeded, and that he had extinguished the Light, but he hadn’t, as Jesus rose again the third day!  The Light of Jesus shines in the darkness of sin, and that darkness cannot, and will never be able to overcome that Light! (John 1:5).

Isaiah continues, and tells how the glory of the Lord Jesus, His light and brightness, is seen by everyone.  Though Jesus first came to His own Jewish people, for the most part the majority of them did not accept Him (John 1:11-12).  His light brings salvation to the Gentiles, and today there are believers of every race, nationality, and language (vs. 3).  The Feast of Epiphany, this past week, celebrates that Jesus brought the Light, the gift of salvation to the whole world, to both Jew and Gentile.

When we come to the Light of the Lord, and accept Jesus as our Savior, following in His steps, His glory will be seen in us (vs. 2).  When we look at the moon at night, often it can seem quite bright.  Yet it actually does not give off any light of its own.  Moonlight is actually sunlight reflected off of the moon’s surface.  When we are closely following Jesus, His glory will be seen upon us.

Have you come to the Light of Jesus, or are you still walking in darkness?  Do not stumble around in darkness any longer.  Come to Jesus, the Light of the World!

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