Saturday, February 11, 2023

Stand In The Gap

Ezekiel 22:23-31

When there is war between two or more nations, the capitals and important cities, along with other strategic locations are kept protected.  The army will set up their defenses around these sites to protect them from enemy attack.  In ancient times larger or important cities would have walls built around them for protection, in addition to having an army.  What would happen if there developed a hole or a gap in the wall?  Or what if, within the defensive line of the army, some soldiers went down, leaving an open gap?  The people would be in serious risk.  Even if our country may not be in a literal war with another, and we aren’t in any immediate risk of being physically overtaken by any enemy, as believers, we are in a spiritual war.  How is our safety then?  Let’s look at a Scripture passage from the prophet Ezekiel, and see what God’s Word has to say.

When the enemy is advancing, the generals select their best soldiers, cavalry, and infantry to guard the strategic spots, whether an important city or geographic location, such as a hill or a harbor.  Guarding such spots was an important duty, and it was vital that these soldiers be strong and fearless.  The safety of the city and its residents depended upon them.  If one or more slacked off in their duty, then lives were at risk.  The same would go for the city wall.  When building such a wall to surround and protect the city, it was important to use good, strong building materials.  They needed strong rocks and solid bricks.  The mortar had to be top quality.  The doors to the city entryways needed to be especially strong, and the hinges made and attached just right.  Those who stood guard at these entryways needed to be alert.  No gap could be allowed to form in these lines of defense.

In the days of the Old Testament, God had given the people priests and prophets to speak to them and teach them about Himself.   They were to guide and protect the people from spiritual danger. The political leaders, such as the kings and princes, were to be godly men, closely following the Lord and being spiritual examples to the people, as well as keeping them safe from other nations.  However, as we read in this portion of Scripture, the priests, the prophets, and the princes were not standing in spiritual defense for the people.

When soldiers are sent to defend a city from the enemy, we don’t expect to see them turn around and attack those they are to defend!  The same should hold for the spiritual leaders of people.  Yet here Ezekiel describes the prophets, who are really false prophets not truly representing Yahweh, like a roaring lion, devouring the people (vs. 25).  They have taken their treasures and valuables, greedy for money and luxury.  He describes how the priests have broken God’s laws and profaned the things that are to be held sacred and holy (vs. 26).  The political leaders are also like wild animals, like wolves tearing at the prey, destroying people, and also seeking after money (vs. 27).  All of the religious leaders are speaking lies and false messages to the people, leading them spiritually astray and away from God’s Word (vs. 28).  With leaders like that, the people themselves have fallen into sin, oppression, robbery, and mistreatment of the poor and needy (vs. 29).

We see the same thing today.  So many of our political leaders are corrupt, seeking financial riches, backroom corrupt deals with businesses, and how to get re-elected.  They don’t really care about their constituents or the poor and needy.  And so many of the religious leaders are no better.  They have forsaken God’s Word, the Bible, and preach falsehood and messages just to please the congregation, rather than what God really says in His Word.  So many promise blessings if the people just send them money.

What does God have to say about this?  As we read in verse 30, He tells us that He is looking for someone to make a wall and stand in the gap.  Our religious leaders, those who were supposed to protect us spiritually, have left a gap wide open for the enemy of our souls to come in and wreak havoc with us.  Spiritually, our cities, our nation, and our world are sliding down the slippery slope to doom.  What are our children being taught in schools today?  What do we hear on the news each night?  And when we go to church, looking for spiritual guidance and nourishment, what do we get?  Not a message to turn us to righteousness, back to Jesus and His Word!  We get fluff, philosophical nonsense, or downright lies to tickle our ears!

God is looking for someone to stand in the gap, and stem the tide of total corruption that will bring destruction.  This world is in desperate need of people who will stand in the gap and pray.  Pray for our children, our families, schools, universities, neighborhoods, cities, leaders, and nation.  Is there anyone who will speak up for God and His Word, and to lead people back to Him?  Is there anyone to stand in the gap?  God didn’t find anyone back then.  Will He find anyone today?  Are you willing to stand in the gap for Him? 

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