Monday, February 6, 2023

Whom Shall I Fear?

Psalm 27:1-6

What are you afraid of?  Children are often afraid of the dark, or a monster under their bed or in their closet, or of ghosts.  Adults have a different set of fears.  They are afraid of things like losing their job, financial difficulty, health concerns, losing family members and loved ones, and things like war or natural disasters.  Most children outgrow their fear of the dark or monsters.  However, what do adults do with their fears?  Many people fall into worry, panic, and anxiety.  King David was faced with many things that could have triggered fear, some of them great fears, yet he didn’t fall into panic.  What was his secret against fear?  We find that in our Scripture today.

Whether as children or as adults, our fears often grow overnight, when it is dark.  Darkness seems to be conducive for the growth of fears.  That’s when we often lie awake and worry about our troubles, watching them balloon in our mind.  This didn’t happen to David, though, as he knew that the Lord God was His light, and he had no need to fear (vs. 1).  Do we have the same light in our life that David had?  He knew that only Yahweh could bring the light that would conquer any fears.  He, alone, brings a light that saves us.  Through God’s Word, the Bible, He illuminates the dark path in life, showing us where to step (Psalm 119:105).  David knew he was safe as long as he remained in the presence of God.

David knew that God was not only his light, but also that He was his salvation (vs. 1).  Jesus is our salvation, and not just spiritual salvation, but also when we are in a bad situation.  He has the power to save us from harm.  The light that we receive through salvation in Jesus is in contrast with the darkness of sin and condemnation.  We can conquer our fears by using the bright, liberating light of the Lord, who brings us salvation.

One thing that some people are afraid of is an enemy, someone who comes against them to bring them some type of harm.  It could be physical harm, or it could be some type of financial harm, or just someone who makes their life so miserable that they fall into despair.  David had plenty of them, and he calls them the wicked, enemies, and foes (vs. 2-3).  However, with the Lord on his side, bringing him light, strength, and salvation, it was those enemies that stumbled and fell, not him.  We don’t need to fear our enemies when we walk in the power of God’s Spirit.  We can have literally a whole army encamping against us, and we can have a war rise up around us, but our heart can be at peace, and we can be confident of the Lord’s help.  We are secure because we know God’s perfect love protects us, no matter what our circumstances may be.  Yahweh is our Stronghold, our Protector, a fortified place of safety against attacks of any sort, from any type of enemy.

As we continue in our psalm today, we read how there was one thing that David desired, and that was to dwell in the house of the Lord, to always be in His presence (vs. 4).   David was king, and as such, he could ask and receive anything he wanted.  So what was it that he asked for?  Not more money, jewels, castles, or more land.  David wanted more of God!  David’s greatest desire was to live in God’s presence each day of his life, and also to live by His purpose.  Those who desire to live in God’s presence each day will be able to enjoy that relationship forever, throughout all eternity.

In closing, when troubles arise, we need to remember the words of our Scripture in Psalm 27, remember what David did, along with what many other believers before and since then have done, and that is to stand on the Rock of God’s promises, taking shelter under His wings until the storm passes.  God’s truth will defeat fear.  He is almighty.  Jesus is always with us, and is actively involved in our lives.  Remember, if we spend all of our time looking down at our circumstances, we will forget to look up to God.  We can always hide ourselves in Him, safely protected from all enemies.

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