Monday, July 17, 2023

Who Do You Put Your Confidence In?

Psalm 65

Do you know someone that you have complete confidence in?  Someone that you can fully trust, someone that you can rely on without hesitation at any time?  If you know someone like that, you are quite fortunate!  We all would love to have such a friend, but not all of us are so blessed.  Or are we?  As we look into our psalm for this week we will see that there is Someone we can have full confidence in, Someone who is worthy of such trust and reliance.

Who are some of the individuals that most people feel they can trust?  Some people trust a favorite teacher.  Many feel that they can trust their doctors or lawyers.  We hope that we can trust our pastor or priest, and that they can be relied on when we need them.  The same would be said about family members.  Are they worthy of our confidence?  Many times, yes, but many of us have seen that teachers or pastors have let us down.  How many people find that their doctor, or an attorney they hired, could not be faithfully relied on.  Sadly, many cannot trust or rely on family members.  King David knew that there were very few that he could put his confidence in.  However, he knew that there was One who could always be relied on in his life, and that was Yahweh (vs. 5).

As we look into Psalm 65, we read of several reasons why David felt that he could put all confidence in Yahweh.  First off, David stated that Yahweh was a God who heard prayer (vs. 2).  He is always present, and hears the prayers and cries of His children.  It doesn’t take us too long to find that those we felt we could trust and rely on in our problems, just aren’t always there for us.  We call on them and they aren’t available, or our problems are out of their league.  That is never the case with God.  He is always available to pray to and talk with.  It’s never too late, He’s never asleep or out of town.  Pagan gods are non-existent, and thus prayer to them is meaningless.

When we put our trust in certain people, we have to always be careful that we remain on their good side.  If we do something to anger or offend them, then we can be rather sure that they won’t be there for us when we need them.  David knew that with Yahweh, if he confessed his sins, He would forgive him.  As we know, David was not perfect.  Like us, he fell into sin, sometimes rather serious sin.  Yet he knew that if he repented and confessed, God was all-forgiving (vs. 3).  Sadly, that is not always the case with family or friends, and we can no longer rely on them.

David continues in our psalm by describing many reasons why Yahweh is the only One who is worthy of our trust and confidence.  He is the Creator of the whole earth and universe.  He is such a powerful God as is shown forth in creation.  He made the mountains and the oceans (vs. 6-7).  He controls the rotation of the earth, bringing both morning and evening in a continual cycle (vs. 8).  He waters the earth so that it brings forth food for all mankind (vs. 9-13).

When we put confidence in any certain person, they, being human, are limited in their power or ability to help us.  However, Yahweh, who is as powerful and able to do all that David listed, and even more so, is certainly worthy of our trust and dependence upon.

Are we putting our confidence in the Lord God?  David declared that Yahweh is the One that all the ends of the earth, and across the far-off seas could and should put their trust in (vs. 5).  Unlike local heathen gods, Yahweh is not just the God of a single locality.  The universal worship of the one, true God is required of all men.

As mentioned, God forgives everyone who sincerely comes to Him through Jesus Christ.  God can, and will, forgive them.  Nobody is beyond redemption, and nobody is so full of sin that they cannot be made clean through the Blood of Jesus.  God always hears our prayers, as David opened this psalm with that confident statement.  He is the One we must turn to when we have a need.  False gods are non-existent, and other people can, and will, fail us.  Jesus, alone, is worthy of all of our trust, our confidence, and our praise!  With Him, we can sing and shout for joy!

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