Monday, October 2, 2023

Where Do You Look For Direction?

Psalm 25:3-12

When traveling to some place that might be unfamiliar, people today often use a GPS system to find the way to their destination.  That usually helps, but every once in a while it will send you off in completely the wrong way.  You might end up at an abandoned lot or even in the middle of a pond.  I used to enjoy the old-fashioned folding paper maps that people used to keep in the glove compartments of their cars, but I preferred even more the directions that people would give, such as “turn right at such and such a gas station, go until you see the tall, old pine tree, and then turn left, half a mile till you come to the red barn …..”.   However road maps can become out of date, and familiar landmarks don’t always remain there.  Where can we depend on good, reliable directions for our life?  Our Scripture today from Psalm 25 answers that question for us.  Let’s take a look.

When we are traveling, naturally we want to know the correct way to get where we want to go.  A wrong turn can really ruin our plans, and sometimes a wrong turn can even lead us into a dangerous situation.  We are all traveling through life, and it’s important to know where we are going to end up, too.  Wrong turns can get us off on a path that can really mess up our life, and wrong directions can lead us to an eternally wrong destination.  That is why it is so important that the directions we follow are the truth.

As our Scripture opens, the psalmist acknowledges that we need to wait upon the Lord (vs. 3).  When we come to the Lord in prayer, we need to wait for His answer, as it might not come instantly.  Sometimes the Lord tarries long, but ultimately He will answer.  We don’t have to worry that we will come to shame because of our trust in Jesus.  Jesus will never put us shame.  There will be shame for the wicked, but no shame for those who follow the Lord.

The psalmist prayed that the Lord would show him His ways, and teach him His paths (vs. 4-5).  How do we receive God’s guidance?  We must first want His guidance.  Not everyone wants to be led by the Lord.  They would rather follow their own way.  When we desire God’s guidance, He will provide it.  God’s primary guidance comes from His Word.  When we are willing to seek God, learn from His Word, and obey His commands, then we will receive His specific guidance.

Following human guidance and directions can prove wrong.  A faulty GPS will lead us astray, and a faulty navigational system, especially in something like an airplane, can be fatal.  So also can following anyone else’s guidance without checking with the Lord.  How many people have ended up eternally lost because they trusted in false leaders, false religions, and false gods?!

As we saw, maps can become outdated and landmarks can change.  What about guidance from God?  Will He change?  Maybe He might get forgetful, like we all do.  As we read here, we do not need to worry that God will forget something (vs. 6).  When someone in the Bible, while speaking to the Lord, desires that God remember something, it is more that they are speaking to themselves.  We are the ones who need to remember His gracious promises and provisions, which have never failed.  God’s character does not change.  His actions at one time will always be consistent with His actions at another.  Past mercies show us that we can always hope for future blessings.

As we turn to the Lord in trust and faith, He will give us His divine direction throughout our life (vs. 8-12).  Following God’s instructions, which we find in His Word, the Bible, can lead us from sin. To receive the Lord’s guidance, we must repent of all known sin.  It requires humbling ourselves, instead of demanding our own way.  Exercise patience, and don’t rush ahead of the Lord.  Persist in prayer, and search the Scriptures.  He will teach us His ways.  Trust in His leadership, and be obedient.

Some of God’s paths for us are rough and rugged, like an old logging road.  Others are tedious and boring.  But all are filled with His love and faithfulness.  When we are at the end of our life, we will know that God’s path was the best one for us.  Our path may have obstacles, but God will lead us.  He will never lead us astray.

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