Monday, September 2, 2024


Psalm 15

Let me share with you a legend from Ancient Greece.  It is about the Ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes, who lived from 412 BC - 323 BC.  As the legend goes, Diogenes traveled around Greece and the known world in his day, carrying a lantern.  When asked what he was doing, he replied that he was looking for an honest man.  After several years he returned to his home disappointed, for his search had been a failure.  He had not been able to find someone who was completely honest.  In our psalm for this week, David reveals that those who dwell with the Lord must be honest and righteous, the type of man that Diogenes was looking for.

Our psalm begins with David asking the Lord a question.  He asks the Lord who are those who dwell in fellowship with Him, who are those who “dwell in Your holy hill?” (vs. 1).  The four verses that follow are the answer.  They are upright and righteous, speaking the truth (vs. 2).  They don’t speak harshly, but instead their words are truthful and pure (vs. 3).  Their friends and associates are similar people.  They don’t associate with evil people.  They are true to their word (vs. 4).  They also care for the poor, and lend to them without interest (vs. 5).

This describes a man or woman with integrity.  Integrity is having strong moral principles, and having genuine integrity is a rare virtue today.  A person with integrity is loyal and consistent, not fickle and erratic.  He doesn’t bring difficulty on others.  He doesn’t use sharp, cutting, or scornful speech about others.  He is honest, but gentle with his honesty.  A person with integrity is not friends with worthless, reprobate people.  Any association he would have with them would be for the purpose of evangelism.

On the other hand, a person with integrity loves those who live godly lives.  They honor those who fear the Lord, but reject those who despise Him.  He performs what he promised, and keeps his word, even when it is to their disadvantage.  His word is his bond.  This person is generous to those in need without charging interest or wanting a reward, and they are not tempted to ever take a bribe.

When we look at the qualities of character that one must show in order to be a person of Psalm 15 we might feel that this is an impossibility, and we would be correct.  In our own strength we cannot.  Only the Lord Jesus Christ has perfectly kept this list of qualities.  When we accept the Lord Jesus as our Savior, we receive His righteousness.  We also receive the Holy Spirit, and through His power we become more like Jesus.

In closing, truly honest people are not easy to find.  However, it is one trait that is very important.  It is one of the marks of a person of God.  Are we trustworthy and honorable?  Are our words the truth?  As believers, those who carry the Name of the Savior, we should live with integrity, and make the truth an integral part of our nature.  We should live in such a way that when others think of honesty and integrity, they think of us!

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