Saturday, September 21, 2024

Today's Wisdom From Proverbs

Proverbs 22

Some Christians follow a practice of reading one chapter from the Book of Proverbs each day.  Since most months have 31 days, and there are 31 chapters in Proverbs, that provides a chapter for each day of the month.  Today being the 22nd day of the month, let us take a quick look into some verses from the 22nd chapter of Proverbs.

The Book of Proverbs is part of the wisdom literature in the Bible, which includes Psalms, Job, Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes.  A large portion of the book are sayings collected from King Solomon, though there are others whose sayings were also included.  The book speaks of how important it is to obtain God’s wisdom and the fear of the Lord.  It also gives instruction in godly values, moral behavior, human life, and right conduct.

Solomon opens this chapter with instructing us in the importance of having a good name (vs. 1).  Solomon was an enormously wealthy king, so rich that he could have anything he ever wanted.  However, when weighed in a balance, the king knew that having a good name was much more valuable. He would rather have a name that he could be proud of than all the riches he had.  How many wealthy people do we know who have all the money they could want, yet their behavior, the way they treat others, is atrocious?  God says it is better to have that good name, one that is held in high regard among others, than to have riches.

When we are doing God’s work and living God’s way, we can count on receiving everything we truly need to keep going (vs. 1-4).   Honor and a good name are more desirable than great riches.  Humble people rely on God’s direction, and thus avoid many dangerous pitfalls in life.

In verse 6 we have a verse that has caused some good and godly parents some puzzlement when their children go off down the wrong path.  They wonder where they went wrong and why God seems to be punishing them.  We need to remember that Proverbs purpose is as a book of wisdom sayings, not a book of promises.  If Proverbs were a book of promises then all godly people would be wealthy, and we would all live long and healthy lives (Proverbs 10:22, 27).  The Bible teaches that we’re responsible to God for how we teach and bring up our children, but we are not responsible for our children’s adult choices (Ezekiel 18:20).   Christian parents need to be the best parent they can be, and take neither credit nor blame for their children’s choices.  Instead, thank God when they choose holiness, and pray when they don’t.

Many parents today want to let their children make their own decisions.  That is definitely not a wise thing to do.  Children will grab at the first flashy thing with ribbons that they see, but then find out too late that it has a hook in it!   Temptations to do the wrong thing come packaged with glitter all over it, and children do not have the wisdom to make the right choice.  Parents need to be laying a Biblical foundation in their life, so that when they are older they will make wise decisions.

In our chapter we see several verses that speak to us about how we should treat the poor - verses 9, 16, 22-23.  The Word of God records that we are supposed to show kindness to the poor who are in need and who dwell among us.  Anyone who gives to the poor will never go unrewarded.  It is a sacrifice that God is well-pleased with at all times.

Like most of the chapters of Proverbs, chapter 22 is filled with many words of godly wisdom.  Let us quickly look at one more line of wisdom that God wishes us to apply to our life in verses 24-25.  Solomon frequently spoke about the dangers of getting angry, and letting our anger flare up.  We may think that we have reasons to justify our anger, but God says it is foolish.  It only stirs up strife, and will lead us to sin.  Keeping company with, and making good friends with someone who is an angry person, who frequently and violently loses his temper, is not wise or advisable.  We tend to become like those we keep frequent company with, and becoming one prone to anger is not the type of person God wants us to be.  God warns us to not even associate with an angry person.

These are just some tidbits of wisdom that we reap from the Book of Proverbs on this 22nd day of the month.  Each day of the month the Lord gives us a handful of wisdom from Proverbs to guide us through the day.

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