Monday, October 21, 2024

Under His Wings

Psalm 91

In many parts of my country there are various severe storms that can pop up.  The southeastern coastal area has hurricanes.  Recently they had two major-strength hurricanes that left devastation in their path.  In the central and southeastern part of the country there are also strong and deadly tornadoes.  In the north there can be dangerous blizzards in the winter.  All of these storms require one thing in common, and that is that people in the path need to seek shelter, and not just any shelter, but one that is strong, secure, and safe.  In life we face storms, as well.  Sometimes they can be just as devastating.  We need to seek a safe shelter, but where can we find one?  That is the theme of our psalm for today.

Have you ever had to seek shelter from something severe, like a storm?  Due to where I live, I have gone through several tornadoes that came fairly close, and a few strong blizzards, as well.  I was thankful that I had a good shelter to be in.  There are other things people need shelter from, such as in a time of war, or when you are hiding from a criminal or someone who seeks to harm you.  During the pandemic, people sought shelter in their homes from disease.  However, our shelters don’t always help.  Tornadoes and hurricanes can still knock buildings down.  Criminals can break into homes and harm us.  And diseases can still manage to creep in.  Where can we find a sure shelter?

Psalm 91 gives us the answer, and tells us Who will protect us, no matter what our storm in life is.  This unknown psalmist sought his help from Elyon, or God Most High.  El Shaddai, or God Almighty, will protect him (vs. 1).   He is the psalmist’s refuge and fortress, and he trusts in Him.  When storms come in our life, to calm our fears we can cling to faith in who Yahweh is, and what He can do.  We can take shelter in Him.  He is with us in the storm, and will cradle us through that storm.

Several times throughout Scripture God uses a picture of a mother bird protecting her chicks from storms and danger by hiding them under her wings.  He uses this picture to show how He also cares for those who have put their trust in Him.  We see this analogy here in our psalm (vs. 4).  For chicks, the safest place to be is enfolded inside their mother’s wing.  Jesus gave a similar statement that He wanted to gather Jerusalem as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but they refused Him (Matthew 23:37).  We live in a stressful world filled with problems.  Jesus calls us to trust Him and run for protection within His arms.

When we trust in the Lord, He puts us in a place where we are protected, where we rest in His presence and power.  Believers can live in the shelter and safety of God’s magnificent wings.  Nothing can harm us there.  We are completely safe and secure.  When God covers us He puts insulation between us and the hand of our adversary.  The Lord is covering us to survive the perils of perilous times.  We can survive anything if we trust in Yahweh and hold steadfast to His Word.

When we are feeling anxious, worried, or fearful of the “terrors of the night” (vs. 5), remember in Whom we dwell, and the promises and truth of God’s Word.  Whatever the terror - fire, thieves, sickness, death, we do not need to be afraid.  We can find refuge and comfort under His wings.

During those times when we are in danger, God is ready and waiting to help us, as He promises at the end of our psalm (vs. 15-16).  We don’t have to try and convince Him to come to our aid, for that is what good father’s do for their children, and Yahweh is the best of Fathers.  He is ready, willing, and able to be with us in our time of trouble, and to rescue us when we need to be saved.  We have a sleepless Guardian watching over us through the night.  God’s love for us will never change.  He is a faithful Friend!


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