If you have ever gone camping when you were younger, perhaps with some type of scouting organization, you might remember the scout leader giving assignments to each camper when they arrived at the campsite. Some were assigned to gather sticks and branches for a campfire. Others sent off to fill the water buckets. Others were assigned to start putting up the tents. A good scoutmaster would assign the tasks according to what he believes the children’s best abilities are - the stronger ones to carry the heavy water buckets, the more coordinated ones to assemble the tents, etc. You don’t want everyone unloading the sleeping bags, but no one gathering firewood. The same goes for having a successful sports team. Much as they might want to be, not every player can be the pitcher on the baseball team. A good manager assigns the players according to their skills and abilities. The same is with the church. In our Scripture today, the Apostle Paul speaks about spiritual gifts, and the Holy Spirit dividing them among believers.
In his first epistle to the church in Corinth, the Apostle Paul confronted various issues, including spiritual gifts and how they were distributed by the Holy Spirit. Common to a lot of people, many like to be in showier positions. As mentioned, many baseball players want to be the pitcher, as the crowds always watch what they do. In the office we frequently see some co-workers who go for the conspicuous spots. That was no different in the Corinthian church, and even today we see some who seek out the spots that might keep them more in the spotlight. There was also some jealousy or envy over which spiritual gifts certain people had. Our Scripture seeks to teach about this issue.
Many in the Corinthian church were from a Gentile background, having been saved from pagan beliefs, from following false idols (vs. 1-2). Their past pagan practices are then contrasted with the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives now (vs. 2-3). The Apostle then continues on by teaching that there are many different kinds of gifts, services, and workings that the Holy Spirit gives to each believer. However, it is the Lord who decides which gifts are given to which believer, not the other way around (vs. 4-6).
In the Church, whether it is the Christian Church as a whole, or in individual church congregations, there are many different ministries that are needed to keep everything running smoothly (vs. 7-10). There are those who preach, who teach adults, youth, or children. There are those who lead the worship with song and music, those who greet, and who take up offerings. Then there are the “behind the scene” workers who maintain the building, who set everything up for Holy Communion, take care of landscaping, and those who work in the church offices. There are traveling evangelists and missionaries, and many more. The Holy Spirit needs those who have special spiritual wisdom, who have unique faith for healing or other miracles, and spiritual tongues.
Paul goes on to instruct them that it is the Holy Spirit who distributes the gifts as He sees fit. The Lord would not want to see a church that, though they had very well-manicured grounds, there was no godly preaching or teaching going on. Likewise if everyone was seeking to serve in the music ministry, but the actual building was being neglected, no one to change the lightbulbs or sweep and mop the floors, that would be no good, either.
Neither should one get filled with pride over what they believe their gift is, or that their particular ministry is better than others. All of these spiritual gifts are from God, and should be used in harmony with one another. No one is better, or more or less important than the other, and the Lord decides to distribute these gifts as He decides (vs. 11). Every believer has been given unique gifts that contribute to the Body of Christ. He will let you know what your special purpose in His Body is, and then you should use your gift to build up the Church, not to create division or to seek personal recognition. We have not been given the gift or gifts we have in order to look down upon or to envy someone with a different gift. The Lord knows best in distributing gifts.
In closing, God cares so much for His children that He gives each one a place in His plan. Trust the Lord, that He knows best what gifts, what talents and attributes He has given each of us to carry out His purposes in His Church and in this world.
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