Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Reality Of The Risen Christ

I Corinthians 15:1-11

Is the literal resurrection of Jesus from the dead really that important to the Christian faith?  Is it really important whether one believes it literally, or whether one thinks that it is just figurative?  There are some denominations which call themselves Christian, which do not teach the resurrection of Jesus.  These liberal or progressive denominations teach that the “spirit of Jesus” lives on, but that when He died, He remained dead just like everyone.  So, is belief in the resurrection really important, or not?  As a matter of fact, belief in the literal resurrection of the Lord Jesus from the dead was so important to the Faith, that the Apostle Paul wrote a rather lengthy discourse about it within his first letter to the Corinthians.  Let’s take a look at what the Lord inspired Paul to say about this.

As the Apostle Paul continued on with his letter to the church in Corinth, he opened the 15th chapter, a chapter dedicated to the resurrection, with reminding the readers of the Gospel message that he had preached to them (vs 1-2).  They had received his message, and having a belief in the Gospel he preached was what saved them from their sins.  He urged them to hold fast to the Gospel he preached, and not forsake their faith by falling victim to the false teachings that some heretics were spreading.  That Gospel message is the same today as it was in the days of the Apostles - Salvation is by grace through faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Paul continued on, and declared the core of the Gospel: Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, was buried, and rose on the third day according to the Scriptures.  Jesus’ death was the sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sins.  His resurrection from the dead showed that God was satisfied with that sacrifice, that He accepted the death as payment.  Because of that, God raised Him from the dead.  This wasn’t just a symbolic resurrection, or a resurrection of the spirit of Jesus, of His philosophies and beliefs.  We sometimes speak of carrying on the spirit of a great leader who has died.  That is not what the Bible says or implies.  That is not what the Apostles or early Church taught.  Jesus Himself said when speaking about His upcoming death, that He would rise again on the third day (Mark 8:31; John 2:19-21).  What Paul says here affirms the literal resurrection as foundational to the faith.

As we continue, Paul declares how there were many who saw the resurrected Jesus (vs. 5-8).  This wasn’t just one or two people who claimed to have seen Jesus after the crucifixion, and then claimed He rose.  If that was the case we could say that they were delusional, or that it was wishful thinking.  Paul lists that the resurrected Jesus was seen by Cephas (Peter), by the rest of the Apostles, then by over 500 people, then by His step-brother James, and then even by Paul himself.  This is the testimony of at least 513+ people.  In any court case, if the defense had over 500 sworn witnesses, there would be no doubt about the truth of this.  These eyewitness accounts provide strong evidence for the historical reality of Jesus’ resurrection, along with the reliability and authority of Scripture being underscored.

Paul then concluded this Scripture segment, this opening portion of chapter 15, with a short, personal statement.   Paul spoke of his unworthiness to be called an apostle, that he felt unworthy to be allowed to literally and actually see the resurrected Savior because of his past persecution of the Church (vs. 9-11).  However, because of the grace of God, Paul was transformed and was commissioned by God to spread the Gospel message, including the fact of the literal, bodily resurrection.

We are now encouraged to remain steadfast in our faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.  This is not just an event in history, but it is the cornerstone of our hope and eternal life.  There have been several people in the last several decades who have set out to try and disprove the Bible, especially the resurrection, and have ended up failing to be able to do so, and instead became believers.

Without the resurrection we have nothing on which to build our faith.  Without the resurrection we have no hope for surviving death, and if that is the case, then why bother believing in Jesus?  However, we know that the Bible is the authoritative and inspired Word of God, and it provides us with a reliable account of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.

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