If you’ve ever been caught in a huge, strong rainstorm, you know how thankful you are to find a shelter of some sort to get into. Perhaps it is a store or even a bus stop shelter, or if you’re lucky you are near your home or your car. It is even more important to have a sturdy and warm shelter in a blizzard. If you are fleeing an enemy you need a safe shelter, as do soldiers and people who live in war-torn areas. Our psalm today speaks of a safe shelter that we can have. Do you need a place of safety right now? Let’s take a look into our psalm.
Psalm 91 is a favorite of many people, and is one of several special, favorite psalms of mine. As we read through this psalm, right away it becomes apparent that the unknown psalmist seeks protection and shelter from a variety of dangers. Where does he find this protection? As we read, the psalmist finds it in God. Throughout the psalm, he gives numerous names to the sheltering protection he has found in the Lord - secret place, God’s shadow, a refuge, a fortress, God’s wings, a shield, a buckler, and dwelling place.
Those who have traveled through various parts of the world may have seen some rather old, but still impressive fortresses that have stood for centuries, maybe even millennia. When an enemy force came upon a population, the people would flee into a fortress for shelter. Those solid, thick brick and stone walls would keep them protected. They were safe in that refuge. The soldiers who might have to go out to fight this enemy would put on armor and be sure to carry a shield and/or a buckler. A buckler was a smaller shield that was usually strapped on to the forearm of the arm that would not carry the sword. The larger, full-body shields were usually carried by the armor-bearers a step or two ahead of the soldier. Yahweh is both our fortress where we find shelter from all enemies in time of trouble, and also a shield from the blows of the enemy (vs. 2, 4).
One might wonder what kind of protection a wing or a shadow can bring. A wing is just made of feathers, and a shadow isn’t even solid. If we picture a majestic eagle, we see how they protect their baby chicks or eaglets under their strong and powerful wings, where the little ones are sheltered and safe. God is like that for us. Under His wings we are safe and secure (vs. 4). Nothing can harm us there. As for shadows, sometimes a shadowy place is just where we need to be if we have to hide from an enemy (vs. 1). A dark shadow in a corner can keep us unseen by others. Also, if someone is out in the sun on a very hot day, a nice shady place is a great relief. Shadows and feathers may appear to be weak, and not a good choice for protection, but they are far stronger than we could ever imagine.. What seems weak is not weak at all. The weakness of God is stronger than man (I Corinthians 1:25).
Who are these enemies we need to fear? They may be any sort of person who wishes us harm. We can find them in our neighborhood, our job, or even in our family. We find danger from criminals in our cities and dangers during times of war. But behind them all is our spiritual enemy, Satan, and the shelter and refuge we find in God will protect us from his attacks. However, we need to seek out His protection, and once we find it, we need to stay there and not wander away. Only there can we have peace, safety, and security.
Every born-again believer has access to heavenly protection, but not all of them enjoy it. We can be protected when we rest in God’s presence and power. When God covers us, He puts insulation between us and the hand of our adversary. We can take shelter in God when the storms of life hit. To calm our fears we can cling in faith to who God is and what He can do. When we are in the presence of the Lord we have nothing to fear. The power of the presence of God will take away all despair and doubt as we fellowship with Him. God promises us that nothing can separate us from the reach of His arms and His love (Romans 8:35-39)
In addition, we are promised assistance against evil. Angels are given charge over us (vs. 11). They are appointed to give aid when we are attacked by supernatural forces (Matthew 18:10; Acts 12:15). They guard us on our way, keeping watch over us, preserving our steps. Angels bear us up in their hands, supporting and sustaining us so we won’t be overwhelmed by the devil.
In closing, if we fear the terrors of the night, remember in Whom we dwell. Let’s give our struggles over to Him, and we will find refuge and comfort under His wings. Our fortress is a very narrow shadow, no wider than the Cross, but it is a long shadow, that once stretched to fill an empty tomb, and now reaches out to shelter us with forgiveness and love.
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