Monday, February 20, 2017

The One Constant Throughout Our Years

Psalm 71

With modern medicine, better and healthier food, and good exercise, people frequently live longer, healthier lives.  As we get older and into old age, many of us will face a whole new set of circumstances and fears.  Our children have grown up and moved out, and for some, their spouse may have passed away, leaving them alone.  Life-long friends pass away one by one.  Many face health concerns which they never had when younger, and grow weaker and frailer.  

Society sometimes seems to have cast the elderly aside.  Jobs frequently let older employees go with mandatory retirement.  Social Security doesn't cover the expenses.  Madison Avenue seems only interested in the young, with the exception of selling geriatric health aids to the “old folks”.  In all of this, the elderly might wonder if God has forgotten them as well.

This Psalm, written by someone in their old age, can give us reassurance that He has not, nor will ever forget us as we approach the end of our life.  Verses 5 - 6, and 17 tell of how the psalmist has long trusted in God and has a relationship with Him.  He can praise God, who had been with him since the moment of his birth, and prays that He will not throw him off in old age, verse 9.

As the writer is advancing into old age, he seeks to continue to serve the Lord.  One thing he knows that he can do for Him is to tell the younger generation all that he has learned of the Lord, and His power, wonders and works, verse 18.  The psalmist feels that this is his purpose for the remainder of his life.  For however long he remains alive he wants to speak of the Lord’s righteousness and salvation to all, especially the young, verses 14-15.

From the cradle to the grave, God is with us.  We must, in turn, give Him praise throughout all of our days, and witness to others what He has done for us in our life.  For those who are young, determine to serve the Lord with all of your youth, strength, and vitality.  Before you know it, time will fly by.  When I was younger I never thought of the day when my hair would be gray and my body wouldn’t move around as swiftly as it did before.  For those where that day has come, realize that God is still right there with you as He has always been.  We can be a witness to Him of His faithfulness to us through all of our trials, our good days and difficult ones.  We can yet praise Him more and more.


  1. Sarah, so enjoyed your blog this morning. Yes, we all will face health and financial trials as we age, but Jesus is with us every step of the way! Thank you for being a beautiful voice for good in the world! Love and Light! Cherie

  2. Sarah, thank you for a very timely meditation. I will be turning 71 in two weeks and can certainly relate to slowing down and getting weaker. I keep praying that God will open the right doors for me to at least feel that I am contributing to God's image and greatness on our world with what time I have remaining here.

  3. Thank you so much for this meditation. I will be 70 in December, and have been feeling ashamed of my age. God sometimes feels far away, but, He is right beside me, carrying me usually, your meditation reminds me. Thank you. I will read the Psalms more often
