Monday, June 28, 2021

Handling Bad News

 Psalm 112

Nobody likes to receive bad news.  It’s distressing enough to hear of bad things that are happening around the world and in our own community, but it is especially unwanted if it directly affects our own personal life.  How do we respond when the bad news comes?  Are we able to handle it, or do we fall to pieces?  Are we able to carry on, or does our family have to put us to bed with a sedative or something to keep us calm?  Our psalm for today gives a description of a person who is blessed by the Lord, meaning someone who has accepted the Lord Jesus as Savior.  Part of that description includes when bad news comes, which it does all too frequently.  Let’s take a look.

As our psalm opens, the psalmist reminds us that God will bless those who both fear Him and who delight in His Word (vs. 1-2).  God loves to bless His obedient children.  He will pour out His loving-kindness and His mercy on those who keep His commandments.  And not only upon us, but if we bring up our children and grandchildren to love and follow God, which should be the aim of every Christian parent, God will bless our family into future generations.

There are many blessings available to those who fear the Lord and obey Him.  Among those blessings the psalmist describes are honor, prosperity, security, and freedom from fear.  The wealth and riches described in verse 3 are not necessarily an overflowing bank and investment accounts.  Christians who follow the Lord can be wealthy in many other ways, such as being blessed with a good and loving family or friends.  We are wealthy with the love, mercy, and grace the Lord bestows on us.  When we show generosity to others, that shows our respect for God (vs. 5).  We place our trust in Him, and not in our money, for our justice and security.

This brings us to where we have put our faith and trust.  That is important, because where this trust is placed should determine how we react when bad news comes.  Bad news should not put the believer in fear, for he knows the Lord will undertake for him (vs. 7-8).  When the world, the lost and unsaved, receive bad news, they panic and are filled with fear.  They often get angry with God and rebel against Him.  We do not need to react like that.  We have God to turn to when that bad news arrives.  We have a living hope.  Christians should remember that this world is not our home.  We need to trust in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to answer our prayers.  Believers are to stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord (Exodus 14:13).  The bad news may be nipping right at our heels, but He will rescue us right on time.  If we fall apart as the lost do, and act cowardly, we cannot glorify God in the crisis.

The things that the unsaved trust in when bad news comes, such as their wealth, their business connections, or perhaps even drugs and alcohol, are fleeting, and will not last.  Wealth and business connections can be lost in the blink of an eye.  They are earthly, belonging to this world.  And we know the fate of the drug addict and alcoholic.  The believer’s true riches belong in heaven, and are eternal.  What we depend on will last forever because it is anchored in Christ.

When we trust in God, especially when the tragedies and disasters arrive, He promises to exalt and honor us (vs. 9).  The horns on an animal are an indication of strength and prosperity to that animal.  The psalmist here figuratively applies this picture to the righteous.  The wicked person is contrasted to the righteous (vs. 10).  Without God, the wicked have a worthless existence, without strength.  Those who do not follow Jesus, who instead follow Satan, will perish.  Those who have put their trust and faith in Jesus will triumph.

Sometimes we may feel that when that bad news comes, especially if it directly affects us personally, our burdens become too heavy to carry ourselves.  We can’t do it alone.  However, remember that God is never too weary, weak, or tired to help carry us through these difficult times.  He is always there.  When we trust God completely to take care of us, we will find that our other fears will subside.

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