Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Mighty Weapons

 II Corinthians 10:3-5

Having the correct weapons is important, whether one is in a serious battle or not.  If an intruder broke into your house, armed with a gun, and you picked up a water gun, you are no match for them.  Squirting water will not stop them.  If a military unit goes into battle against the enemy, and they are given pea-shooters against the enemy’s sophisticated, high-tech weapons, who’s going to get slaughtered? Having the best possible weapons is important, as is having the correct weapon for the specific type of battle.  In our brief Scripture passage for today, from Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians, he speaks of the battle that Christians are engaged in, and the importance of the weapons that we use.  Let’s look at what he says.

As Paul begins this passage, he speaks about being in warfare.  New Christians might wonder what he is talking about.  Why would a Christian be fighting someone?  The moment we became a Christian, we gained a very real enemy, Satan.  He is out to bring us down in any way he can, sometimes using his demons, and sometimes using the unsaved people around us.  This battle is not a physical one, but a spiritual one.  As such, the weapons that we use are not physical ones, but spiritual.

Paul says here that we “walk in the flesh” (vs. 3).  By that he means that we are human, and for now we remain on the earth in our fleshly bodies.  He goes on to say that we are not supposed to “war according to the flesh”.  We are in a spiritual battle against the forces of evil, led by Satan.  Using human ingenuity, worldly wisdom, or clever methods will not work.  They are powerless against the forces of darkness and satanic assaults.  Some unsaved people may come against us, telling vicious lies to damage our reputation.  As a Christian, we don’t attack back with lies of our own.  The world may use underhanded methods to stop a church from buying some property.  We shouldn’t use similar methods against other ungodly groups.  Our enemies may physically assault us, but we should not start a similar assault against those who oppose Christianity.

Paul reminds the Corinthians that we cannot use “carnal” or human weapons in a spiritual battle.  Instead we need spiritual weapons (vs. 4).  Those would be God’s Word, the Holy Spirit, and prayer.  A “stronghold” was a medieval fortress that the people could flee to for safety.  Satan’s strongholds can only be defeated by Christians using our spiritual weapons.  Don’t try to fight against an argument from an unsaved person by using your own intellectual capability.  Combat Satan with the Word of God, just as Jesus did when tested in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11).  Only the truth of God’s Word can defeat satanic falsehoods.

Paul continues in his instruction from the Lord, telling us that we need to cast down or destroy every argument and things that exalt themselves against God, and to bring our thoughts captive to Him (vs. 5).  God wants the total destruction of the fortresses of human and satanic wisdom, philosophies, and false religions, and the rescuing of those inside those fortresses from the damning lies that enslave them.  If Satan gets a church to believe erroneous doctrines, unbiblical philosophies and false assumptions about God, he can lead it away from the truth and into error.  The same goes for individuals.

Believers are to be training the mind to think in a way that honors God.  The mind is the primary battlefield for spiritual warfare.  What we focus our mind on has lasting ramifications (Philippians 4:8).  When we take captive every thought in our mind we have power, not only over our thoughts, but also over our behavior, for thoughts ultimately lead to behavior and actions.  Actions lead to habits, and habits form character.  When we have negative, condemning, and self-centered thoughts, the Holy Spirit will help us take control, and bring it into submission to Jesus Christ.  We must reject anything that does not honor Christ in our thoughts.  Stand guard over your heart and mind, and don’t give the devil any place of entry.  His purpose is to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10).

As Christians, we must choose whose methods to use to fight Satan - God’s or the world’s.  Prayer, faith, hope, love, God’s Word, and the Holy Spirit are powerful and effective, and these are at our disposal.  These can break down proud human arguments against God, and the walls that Satan uses to keep people from finding Jesus.  We must make the Lord Jesus Christ our Commander-in-Chief.  Everything in our lives must be submitted to His control as we live for Him and fight the enemy.

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