Monday, June 21, 2021

Nowhere To Turn But To The Lord

 Psalm 107:1-32

Throughout life, we can find ourselves in all manner of problems.  Some of these problems are through our own making, because of carelessness, ignorance, or sinful behavior.  Other problems may be caused because of things other people do that mess up our lives, either deliberately or by accident.  There are also attacks of Satan in our lives, and then there are things that just happen.  Any of these problems can wreak havoc in our lives, and bring us down to our knees.  Our only recourse is to cry out to God for help.   Our psalm for today highlights four different scenarios that people may find themselves in, problems that have brought them to the end of their rope, where they have nowhere to turn but to the Lord.  Let’s take a look.

As our psalm begins, the writer urges all of us to remember to give thanks to the Lord for all He has done (vs. 1-3).  The most important thing that we need to thank Him for is for our salvation, when He redeemed us from the hand of the enemy, Satan.  That is something that we should be thanking Him for each and every day.   As the psalmist states, “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so”.  We should never remain silent from thanking the Lord for that!

The psalmist then proceeds to illustrate different situations where we might find ourselves in difficult problems where we need God’s help.  The first one he highlights is wandering in a wilderness (vs. 4-9).  This is reminiscent of the 40 years the people of Israel were wandering in the desert before coming to the Promised Land.  Though it’s not likely that most people would find themselves wandering in an actual wilderness, we may find ourselves lost, both literally and figuratively.  People are spiritually lost, their souls hungry and thirsty, until they turn to Jesus and are led in the right way (vs. 5-7).   Jesus came to save the lost.  He is the Way (John 14:6).  He is the Bread of Heaven (John 6:33, 35), the Living Water (John 4:10-14), and the Giver of Rest (Matthew 11:28-30).  Jesus is the only way, the only one who can lead the lost and wandering ones to where they need to be.  When we cry out to the Lord, He will lead us where we need to go.

The second situation the psalmist describes is one of people in prison (vs. 10-16).  People can be in a literal prison, usually because of crimes they have committed.  Then there are people who are in a type of prison, such as a prisoner to drugs or alcohol.  Either prison holds them bound, and it is often because of rebellion against the ways of the Lord, and not following His Word (vs. 11).  When the people in any type of prison repented and cried to the Lord, He delivered them, bringing them out of darkness (vs. 12-14).

A third situation is when people endure any type of significant illness (vs. 17-22).  The psalmist describes people whose sickness brings them to the “gates of death”, which would be a major illness.  Frequently in those cases there is only so much that doctors can do.  Where can they turn then?  The doctors can’t help any more.  Their family is helpless.  Their only hope is to cry to the Lord in their trouble.  And as the psalmist testifies, God sent His word and healed them (vs. 20), bringing deliverance.

The final scenario is those in the sea on ships in the midst of storms (vs. 23-32).  We can find ourselves in all sorts of storms, both literal and figurative.  The waves of those storms knock us around, and we desperately need the Lord’s help.  When we cry out to Him, He alone can calm the storm (vs. 28-29).

These problems in our life can often leave us “at wit’s end” as verse 27 states.  This phrase literally means to “have wisdom swallowed up”.  Often we try to solve our problems on our own, but to no avail.  We need to cry to God, and He will bring us deliverance.  Jesus is the power and wisdom of God.  He will provide peace, and His wisdom can never be swallowed up.  When God brings us out of these situations, we should be telling everyone all that He has done (vs. 1-2).

No matter how extreme, or what our calamity is, God is able to break through and help us.  There is no place too far, no problem too hard, no darkness too deep, not even death, which can keep God from gathering us into His loving arms.

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