Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Alpha And Omega

 Revelation 1:1-8

When I was a young girl growing up in the 1960’s, we had a large, complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica in our house.  There were well over two dozen large volumes which took up at least two shelves of a large bookcase.  This was decades before the Internet, and everything that anyone could possibly want to know about every subject was in those volumes.  A - Z lined up neatly on the shelf.  Everything from Aardvark to Zymurgy (the study of fermentation) and everything in between.  If one could learn and memorize everything in those books one would think they have all the knowledge, but even then they would fall far short.  There is One, though, who does have all knowledge, knowing everything from A - Z, the Lord Jesus Christ.  In our Scripture today we read of several titles Jesus holds, one being the Alpha and Omega, or A - Z.  Let’s take a look at them.

In the opening verses of this final book of the Bible, the Apostle John shares some descriptions of the Lord Jesus.  One of the titles that Jesus called Himself is “Alpha and Omega” (vs. 8).  These are the first and last letters in the Greek alphabet, the language that the New Testament was originally written in.  Jesus is the beginning and the end, and everything in between.  He is almighty.  His power is supreme over all events.  Jesus has control over every person, object, and event.  Nothing is outside of His dominion, and as the Divine Creator of everything that has ever existed, nothing is outside of His knowledge.  Everything contained in those many volumes of the encyclopedia are just a drop in the bucket to the knowledge that Jesus has.

Jesus is the beginning and the end, the eternal Lord and Ruler of past, present, and future (vs. 4).  God’s eternal presence is not limited by time.  He has always been present, and will be in the future.

Verse 5 gives us several titles that Jesus holds.  The first one that is mentioned is “Faithful Witness”.  Jesus came to earth to more fully reveal the character and ways of the Father (John 14:9).  He showed us the Father perfectly, and His earthly life was one of faultless and complete obedience.

Jesus is also called the Firstborn from the Dead (vs. 5).  He bore our sins and died on the Cross, was buried, and rose again on the third day.  His resurrection brought eternal life to all who call upon Him.  The Bible tells of others who were raised from the dead even before Jesus was, including those who Elijah and Elisha raised, and those who Jesus Himself raised from the dead.  However, each of these individuals had to die again later a second time.  Jesus was the first to rise from the dead in an imperishable body, never to die again.  He conquered death for all eternity, and everyone who believes in Him will live forever.

Another title is Ruler over the Kings of the Earth (vs. 5).  He raises people to power, and removes people from power (John 19:11; Romans 13:1).  It can be advantageous for someone to be friends with the ruler, however, as believers, we have access to a higher authority than any human leader.  Jesus was not just a humble, earthly teacher as some people state.  He is the glorious God.  He is the all-powerful King, victorious in battle and glorious in peace.

Jesus is our Great High Priest.  As believers, we are priests as well (vs. 6).  Part of what this means is that we have the tremendous privilege of interceding for one another in prayer, just as Jesus does.

When Jesus returns, all people everywhere will see Him (vs. 7).  He will return in clouds of glory, and will be visible and victorious.  Everyone will know that it is Jesus.  The Jewish people will then, at that time, know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Jesus is the Messiah and Lord.  There will be wailing because of the judgment Jesus will bring upon the world for its sin and shame.

The Apostle John gives us a warning that we should be ready at all times for Jesus’s return (vs. 3), for the Bible says the time is near.  We do not know when it will occur, but we should always be prepared.  It will happen quickly, and then when it does, there will be no second chance to turn to Him then.

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