Saturday, November 6, 2021

Down To Her Last Bite

I Kings 17:8-16 

There’s only one piece of cake left, and both you and your spouse, or a friend, want it.  You might offer to let them have it, or even split the piece.  It’s not a big deal.  However, what if it is the last of an important, needed, and necessary item, and being poor, you have no way to replace it?  What if it is the last slice of bread, or the last glass of water?  We might be much more protective of sharing those.  Those are important, and not that many people would just willingly give them to someone who asks, if there is no way to get more.  Today we’ll meet a woman who was asked to give the very last thing that she had during the most desperate time in her life, and how she responded.

As our Scripture opens, the Lord had instructed the prophet Elijah to leave where he had been hiding himself and travel to a far location.  Elijah had been hiding because he had pronounced God’s judgment of a severe drought upon the nation of Israel due to their pagan worship.  When the drought began, King Ahab and his wife Jezebel sought to kill him, and he was hiding by a creek, where the Lord sent a raven to bring him food.  Now the creek has dried up, and the Lord sent Elijah to the Phoenician city of Zarephath (vs. 8-9).  Zarephath was a village on the Mediterranean, about 7 miles south of the major city of Sidon.  Sidon was ruled by the pagan king Ethbaal, who was the father of Jezebel.  Elijah brought the Word of God, and showed the power of God in a very pagan culture.

This drought was widespread, and quite severe.  As Elijah entered the village, he met a widow woman who was gathering some sticks.  He asked her to bring him a drink and some food.  The widow then explained to him that she had nothing, she was just getting some wood to make a fire, bake her last bite of food for herself and her young son, and then wait to die (vs. 10-12).  She was down to her very last provision and expected the worst.  Elijah, though, spoke to her the promise of God.  He told her to bring him what she had, and if she would do that, God would ensure that she would have all that she needed (vs. 13-14). The widow had her eyes on the impossibilities.  Elijah focused only on God and what He could do.  He told her not to fear, but to go and make the biscuits for him, her, and the boy.  God would provide.

The woman had God’s promise before her.  Would she believe and act upon it?  What would you do?  What would I do?  Would we give the very last that we had, believing that God would provide?  Let’s continue and see what this widow did.  Elijah’s word from God sparked faith in her spirit.  She believed his words and the God of Israel.  She went and made Elijah a meal with her last bit of food, and according to Scripture, God miraculously ensured the food lasted until the drought was over (vs. 15-16).  When the widow met Elijah she thought she was preparing her last meal.  By a simple act of faith, she gave all she had.  She believed Elijah and acted.

If the woman and her son had eaten the last of their food, they would have died. She had the choice of feeding the man of God or herself.  Her obedience brought them life.  God would have provided for Elijah some other way, but she and her son would have died.   The woman told him she had little.  Elijah rebuked her fear, and told her to give what she had.  In return, God supplied what she needed, and the food lasted.

We should never be hard-hearted or tight-fisted with what we have (Deuteronomy 15:7).  The one who gives to the poor will lack nothing from God (Proverbs 28:27).  Jesus promised to repay an overflowing amount (Luke 6:38).  Believe God, who tells us not to fear.  Give because we believe in God’s promises.  When we give up our last resource, we can only lean upon God.  Do we trust that He is in charge, and will work out the best plan for us?  When genuine faith is tested, it brings glory to God.  This woman, a Gentile, had genuine faith, unlike so many in Elijah’s homeland of Israel.  She even merited a mention by the Lord Jesus (Luke 4:25-26).

God has help for us where we least expect it.  He provides for us in ways that go beyond our expectations.  He provided for Elijah through a Gentile widow, and earlier through a raven.  No matter how hopeless our situation, we should look to God.  His promises are just as sure today as they were then.  Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto us (Matthew 6:33).

Do not fear!  God hears when we are scraping the bottom of the barrel!  He will supply all of our needs - one day at a time.

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