Monday, November 8, 2021

Pleasing To God

 Psalm 149

Sometimes when we’re asked to fill out a questionnaire about ourselves, we might be asked what we enjoy doing, what gives us pleasure.  We might list some hobbies or pastimes.   Perhaps we might even think of certain people whose company we enjoy and who gives us pleasure.  It is also nice to know that other people might feel the same way about us, that our company would give them pleasure.  As we open up our psalm for this week, we will see Someone who does, indeed, find pleasure with us.

The last several psalms in the Bible are praise psalms, ones that call upon us to bring all sorts of praise to God.  They encourage us to sing songs of praise to the Lord (vs. 1-3).  If you have a hymnal, look up some of the many hymns.  Put on some Christian music, and sing along.  These psalms also list all sorts of musical instruments with which to praise the Lord.  Those who have musical ability should use that talent, and praise the Lord with it.  Sometimes when we are praising the Lord those less inhibited might just feel like getting up and dancing (vs. 3).  King David did (II Samuel 6:14-15).  These are different ways that the psalms tell us we can use to express how we feel about the Lord.

How does the Lord feel about us, His Blood-bought children?  We read in verse 4 that the Lord takes pleasure in His children.  For some of us who might have low self-esteem, or who think little of themselves, this is some special news.  God delights in you!  He takes pleasure in you!  God doesn’t just simply accept you, or put up with you.  He takes pleasure and delights in you, just as a groom does over his bride (Isaiah 62:5).

People usually have some type of qualifier for those that they would choose to delight in.  They would have to look just right.  They would have to do various things to please the other, have some sort of talent or ability, and have the right background.  Our family background, looks, education, or income may matter to other people in whether they accept us or like us.  However this is not the case with God.  His love is unconditional and irrevocable.

God will never look at you and decide He doesn’t love you because of how you look or how intelligent you are.  He thinks you are beautiful!  We are made in His image.  God knew what He was doing when He knit us together in the womb (Psalm 139:13).  Those who have accepted His Son as their Savior are clothed with the garments of His righteousness and grace (Isaiah 61:10).

We read that the Lord will also beautify us (vs. 4).  Many people are conscious of how they look, and women in particular seek to look beautiful. Some feel that if they don’t look just perfect, their hair, their fingernails, clothes, and weight, they will not be accepted or loved.  Believers do not need to worry, as the Lord has promised to beautify us.  We read that He will beautify the humble or meek.  Meekness does not mean weakness, or being easily walked upon.  It is an attitude or quality of heart, whereby a person is willing to accept and submit to the will of God with a quiet and gentle spirit.  The humble and meek are willing to acknowledge that they can do nothing to earn God’s favor.  It is something that He freely bestows upon those who have accepted Jesus and His death upon the cross for their salvation.  That is what He will beautify us with, the garment of salvation, and not anything that the world offers in their attempt to look good.

As our psalm continues on, we read that God’s Word tells us to keep a praise to Him in our mouth, and a two-edged sword in our hands (vs. 6).  The two-edged sword reminds me of a sword mentioned in Hebrews 4:12.  There it talks about a two-edged sword, but not just any sword.  Hebrews tells us that the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword.  God’s Word cuts deep into our soul with its truth.  When the Apostle Paul describes the spiritual armor that Christians are to wear, he also calls the Word of God our sword (Ephesians 6:17).  When our enemies come upon us, we aren’t to literally pull out a sword or a gun and kill them.  We are to bring them the message of the Gospel and salvation from God’s Word, the Bible.

There will come a day when God will bring His vengeance upon His enemies, and they will be destroyed.  In the meantime, though, our sword is to be His Word.  Let us be diligent in telling others that God wishes to be pleased and delighted with them, as well.

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