Saturday, April 6, 2024

Kept In Perfect Peace

Isaiah 26:1-4

We hear a lot of talk about wanting world peace, and that is naturally a good thing.  Another type of peace that doesn’t get quite as much attention is peace within oneself.  And yet this type of peace, one where our worries, anxieties, and depression are gone, is so vitally important to our personal well-being.  How can we find such peace?  God gives us an answer in our Scripture for today.

As our Scripture opens, the Lord speaks of a special place that only certain people are able to enter (vs. 1-2).  This city He describes is a strong city, one that will not fall or be defeated, and its walls and ramparts are God’s salvation, salvation found through the Lord Jesus Christ.  Only the righteous, those who have put their faith and trust in Him, may enter.  Once we enter this spiritual city we are eligible to obtain God’s peace.  Without salvation through Jesus, one will never find real peace in their life.

In verses 3 and 4 we find the Lord’s precious promise of peace, that inner peace where we are free from all worry, fear, and anxiety.  First, as we just saw, one must be saved to find that peace.  However, we all know some genuine Christians who are full of fear and worry, ones who have anxieties plague them at every turn.  Why don’t they have this perfect peace?  The Prophet Isaiah tells us that this peace is given to those whose mind is stayed on God, and to those who trust in the Lord.

To be “stayed” is to be steadfast, leaning on, and being supported by God.  When we do so, we have unending security, a sense of uninterrupted, perpetual rest and calmness that comes from God when we trust in Him.  God’s Word tells us to abandon all of our other crutches, and lean on the only One who can support us.  Peace comes when we are leaning on God in total confidence and security.

When our mind is stayed on the Lord, we are totally focused on Him, not on what is going on around us, nor on our troubles and circumstances.  In order for an acrobat or gymnast to keep from getting dizzy when spinning rapidly, they will pick one thing to focus on that they look for when they make their fast rotations.  Our focal point should always be on the Lord Jesus, keeping our minds centered on Him and what He has done for us on the Cross.  Resting in God’s promises gives us the hope we need to stay focused on Him and His faithfulness, instead of on our circumstances. A disposition of trust in the Lord brings a peace that the wicked, unsaved can never know.

We can never avoid strife in the world around us, but with God we can know perfect peace, even in turmoil.  When we are devoted to Him, our whole attitude is steady and stable.  We are supported by God’s unchanging love and mighty power.  We are not shaken by the surrounding chaos.   The phrase “perfect peace” in Hebrew is “shalom shalom”, literally “peace peace”, a peace that goes beyond human comprehension (Philippians 4:7).  One way we can be certain that we’ve placed our trust in God is when we experience an indescribable peace that only comes from Him.  Jesus gives believers peace because He is the Prince of Peace (John 14:27).  That peace is our shield and shelter.

The word translated as “strength” in verse 4 comes from the Hebrew word “sur”, which means rock.  Jesus is our everlasting strength.  He is our Rock of Ages, a rocky cliff where the trusting one may find shelter from everything that comes against us.  When we have Jesus as our Savior, we have a safe and secure place to run to when the storms of life threaten.  We can cast our burdens on Him, and He will give us His peace.  Unshakeable peace is not instantaneous, though.  It is cultivated through a consistent relationship with Jesus.  When our life is dependent on God, He will help us weather the storms with His peace.

People, even good people, will often prove unfaithful.  However, the Lord can be trusted forever.  He is the Rock of Ages, the Undefeatable One, the Eternal Strong One!

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