Saturday, April 13, 2024

No Other Name

Acts 4:5-12

There is a common phrase that many of you might have heard, or some variation of, and that is that there are many pathways that lead to God.  Those who say this believe that it doesn’t matter what way you choose, it doesn’t matter what religion you believe, what religious leader and teachings you follow, because they all lead to God.  Our Scripture today contains a message from Peter, the chief of the Apostles, which exposes this for the lie that it is, a malevolent and damning false teaching.  This isn’t a popular message among many people, but as it is God’s Word, we must listen to it.

Just prior to our Scripture beginning, the apostles Peter and John had prayed and healed a man crippled from birth in the Name of Jesus (Acts 3:1-10).  This caused quite a stir in Jerusalem, and soon came to notice of the religious leaders, who were quite upset.  They had thought that by executing Jesus, His power and influence would also have died, but it hadn’t.  Peter and John were taken into custody and were asked by what power or name they had performed this miracle (vs. 7).  Only a few months earlier Peter had denied knowing Jesus.  Now, filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter boldly stood up for Jesus in front of the entirety of the ruling body of Israel, and gave his answer (vs. 8-12).  The Apostle clearly stated that the miracle was done in the Name of Jesus, and that salvation is only through the Name of Jesus (vs. 12).

Peter said that the Jews had rejected Jesus, but now He has become the Cornerstone of the Church (Psalm 118:22; Mark 12:10; I Peter 2:7).  Without Him there would be no Church, nor salvation.   The Bible unequivocally states that Jesus, alone, holds the key to salvation, and in fact He is salvation.  God, through His Word, says that if one is going to be accepted into heaven, one must be clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ (Matthew 22:1-14).  That is not an option.  That is an imperative.  Whoever has accepted Jesus as Savior will have eternal life.  If they haven’t, then they do not go to heaven (I John 5:12).  Salvation is found in no other Name.

This truth offends many people, including some who claim to be Christians.  They say that we all need to be “inclusive”, and thus we need to say that any and all beliefs will lead us to God.  However, the Bible, God’s Word, clearly states that every path does not lead to God. It clearly says that Jesus is the only way of salvation, and those who reject Him will not have eternal life (John 10:9-10; John 14:6; I John 2:23).  Jesus said that the world will hate true Christians for believing that He is the Son of God, and the only way of salvation (John 15:18).  Jesus did not say that He was one of the ways to God.  He said that He was the Way (John 14:6).  To say otherwise goes against Scripture, and I will never do that.

There is a black and white, not just shades of gray.  There is a definite right and wrong, a truth and falsehood, not just “what is truth for me.”  The Name of Jesus Christ is the center of contention (vs. 7, 10, 12), and will always be.  Salvation for everyone, both Jew and Gentile alike, is exclusively through the Name of Jesus.

In closing, let me give this example that a former pastor of mine once said.  About 15 miles north of where I live is Chicago’s O’Hare Airport.  It is a very large and busy airport, with about 74 million passengers traveling through each year.  There are four streets that surround the airport grounds, Irving Park Rd on the south, York Rd on the west, Touhy Ave. on the north, and Mannheim Rd. on the east.  Yet there is only one way for passengers to get into the airport, and it is not through any of those roads.  The only way to get into the airport is by I-190, the westernmost leg of the Kennedy Expressway.  You can see the airport quite clearly from the four other streets.  You can watch all the planes take off and land from them, but you have no access to the airport.  You can drive around and around the airport on those roads, but you won’t get in.  If you try to climb the fence you will quickly find yourself, not in the airport, but sitting in a police station.  The same is with heaven.  All those other ways will just take you around and around, but not into heaven.  There is only one way, and that is through the Lord Jesus Christ.  Be sure you are on the right path, the right Way, and that is through Jesus!

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