Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Child And Heir

Romans 8:12-17

It might be nice to discover that you were an heir to a big fortune.  As I am now in my mid-60s, I have yet to discover a hugely wealthy uncle I never knew before, who left me a great sum of money, and that is unlikely to ever happen!  However, if you are a Christian, then you are an heir, and an heir to something greater than any earthly fortune!  Our Scripture today speaks of being an heir of God, and joint-heir of the Lord Jesus, and begins by letting us know how we should live since that is our position.  Let’s look into our Scripture.

The Apostle Paul is speaking to believers here, as he addresses his audience as “brethren”, so what he says is applicable to Christians, not the lost (vs. 1).   He instructs believers that we are not to live after the flesh.  The word “flesh” here, and in most instances in the New Testament, refers to our unredeemed humanness, with all of its sinful desires.  That is what Paul says should not be what is directing our life.

Living by the flesh will lead to death, spiritual death, which is why we are instructed to put to death our fleshly desires (vs. 13).  We are to put to death the sinful deeds of our carnal nature, and regard as dead the power of sin in our body.  The Holy Spirit provides us with energy and power to continually put to death the power of sin in our life, and then we are better able to ignore temptation when it comes.  We cannot achieve this in our own strength, but instead we do it through the power of the Holy Spirit.  God’s grace enables us to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to put to death our sinful desires.  We need to address all actions that keep us from having a deeper relationship with God, and when they pop up, to destroy them as quickly as we would a bug in our house.  This process is never complete in this life.  We do this by faithfully obeying God’s Word through the power of the Holy Spirit.

As Paul continues on in verse 14 he tells us who can call themselves sons (or daughters) of God, who can claim to be children of God.  Again, Scripture teaches us that not every person is a child of God.  Everyone is created by God.  He is their Creator, but He is not Father of all.  We become a child of God when we repent of our sins and ask Jesus to save us.  This is also stated in John’s Gospel - John 1:12.  Paul tells us that those who are led by God’s Spirit are truly His children.  Being led by the Holy Spirit is just that, letting Him lead the way in our life.  We can stop our fretting and follow where He leads.  The Holy Spirit will confirm that one is truly a child of God and adopted by Him by the fruits that He produces in us, and the power that He provides (vs. 16).

When we are saved we become God’s children, and can come to God without fear or hesitation because He is our Daddy (vs. 15).  We are no longer cringing and fearful slaves.  Instead, we are the Master’s children.  We share in great treasures as co-heirs with Jesus (vs. 17).  Unsaved people are a slave to their fears, particularly the fear of death and of the Final Judgment (Hebrews 2:14-15).

Every believer is an heir of God (vs. 17).  Every adopted child of God will receive by divine grace the full inheritance that Jesus Christ receives by divine right.  Whatever Jesus has through inheritance has become ours through the very same inheritance.  I am an heir of God, and a joint heir with my elder brother Jesus!

Paul closes with reminding us that though we are joint-heirs with Jesus of all the treasures of heaven, we also share in His sufferings (vs. 17).  There is a price for being identified with Jesus.  Along with great treasures, Paul mentions the suffering that Christians must face.  All around the world Christians are suffering for their faith.  For some it may be ridicule, or some may feel the repercussions at their job.  Others may pay a bigger price, such as being disowned by their family, and still others pay with physical violence and persecution, including death.  Are you ready and willing to suffer with the Lord Jesus for your faith?  This world is becoming more and more hostile to those who faithfully follow Him and His Word.   Stand true and strong, and we will one day receive our crown of glory!

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