Saturday, May 4, 2024

Ascension Day

Acts 1:1-11

Later this week we commemorate Ascension Day, that day, forty days after the Lord’s resurrection, is when the Lord Jesus ascended into heaven.  Let’s take a look at this day on the church calendar that is frequently overlooked.

Our Scripture is from the opening verses of the Book of Acts.  Acts was written by St. Luke, who naturally wrote the Gospel by his name, and Acts was a continuation of the narrative.  It is a telling of the account of the early church, including events from the ministries of both the apostles Peter and Paul.  Both the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts are addressed to a gentleman named Theophilus (vs. 1-3).  It is unclear as to who this Theophilus was, or if he was even an actual person.  Luke addresses him as “most excellent” when he begins his Gospel, so he could have been a Roman or Greek magistrate.  Since the name Theophilus means “friend of God”, this could just be a way of Luke subtly addressing both books to all genuine believers, those who consider themselves a friend of God.

As we look into our Scriptures we read how there were many infallible proofs that the Lord Jesus had risen from the dead, and that His dead body wasn’t just stolen and hidden, as some had claimed (vs. 3).  For forty days, He was seen by many people, and they heard Him speak.  Jesus appeared at intervals during this time to the apostles and others, providing convincing evidence of His resurrection, and He gave them confidence to present His message.

On His last day on earth, Jesus took His disciples, and as He gave them some final instructions, brought them to the Mount of Olives, which is immediately east of Jerusalem (Luke 24:51).  There He told them to stay in Jerusalem until they would receive the Holy Spirit, the Promise of the Father (vs. 4-5).  This would occur ten days later on the day of Pentecost.  After the day of Pentecost every believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit from the moment of their salvation (I Corinthians 3:16), and are sealed for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30).

As the disciples realized that Jesus was going to be leaving, returning to heaven, they immediately became concerned about when He would restore the kingdom to Israel (vs. 6).  They were still seeking for a Messiah that would kick out all of Israel’s enemies, namely the Romans at this time, and bring back their kingdom.  However, Jesus told them that this was not what they were to be concerning themselves with.  Instead, He said that once the Holy Spirit came upon them they were to go out and be His witnesses.  They were to go and bring the Gospel to the world (vs. 7-8).  Instead of worrying about unimportant matters, they were to be concerned with evangelism and discipleship, just as we are.

God calls all believers to be His witnesses, whether we have multiple theology degrees or not, whether we are smooth-talking eloquent speakers or not, regardless of our job, background, or nationality.  Don’t let Satan trick you into thinking God can’t use you.  He used the disciples, and what were they - fishermen, tax collectors, rough men with rough vocabularies, but they turned the world around.

Jesus promised that when the Holy Spirit would come, they would receive His power to do all that He commanded (vs. 8).  As believers, we have this power, as well, which includes courage, boldness, confidence, insight, ability, and authority.  God has important work for us to do, but we must do it only through the power of the Holy Spirit.  When we witness to others in our own power, our efforts will not be effective, and likely fail.  We are told by Jesus to go forth as His witnesses, but we need to do so in and with the power of the Holy Spirit.

As He finished these instructions to the disciples, Jesus was taken up into the clouds and into heaven (vs. 9-11).  God the Father took Jesus in His resurrection Body from this world to His rightful place at the Father’s right hand.

Now that the Lord Jesus was gone, some there that day might have wondered if He would ever forget them.  Would Jesus ever forget us?  Are we forgotten by Him?  It has been so long that He has been gone, twenty centuries.  Jesus promised, and did send us His Holy Spirit to live in us, and to empower us to handle all persecution that comes our way.  He promised that He was going to prepare a place for us, which He is doing right now (John 14:3).  The angels that appeared at that moment told the disciples that Jesus will one day return to earth in the same way He ascended, with the clouds.  Are you waiting for that moment?  It could be at any time - next week, next year, or it could be today.  Are you ready and waiting?

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