Monday, July 1, 2024

Living A Blessed Life

Psalm 112

When one sets out in life, most people hope that they will be successful, that they will be blessed.  This usually includes hopes that they will be prosperous with a good bank account, that they will be successful in their job and in their marriage, have plenty of good friends, and go through life healthy.  What does the Bible say about the man or woman who is blessed by the Lord, and how can one be in such a desirable position?  Our psalm for today speaks of the person that the Lord blesses.  Let’s take a look into our Scripture.

Psalm 112 opens with a word of praise to Yahweh, and then immediately declares what one must do if they desire to be blessed by Him (vs. 1).  To be one that is blessed by the Lord one must delight in His commandments.  As the psalmist continues, he states that there are many blessings available to us such as honor, prosperity, security, and freedom from fear (vs. 2-9) if we fear the Lord and delight in obeying His commands.  If one continually disobeys what the Bible says, if one tries to say that a command of God really means something different, or that it doesn’t apply for today, or if they just choose to ignore God’s Word, then they can’t really expect to be blessed by Him.  Mankind’s desire for prosperity and blessings can only come through obedience to the commands of God.

As we continue in our psalm we read that a good person, one who enjoys the Lord’s blessing, will be a generous person (vs. 5).  They freely lend to help those in need, and do so graciously, not begrudgingly, or making the other one feel bad about their need.  Sometimes wealthier people abuse others in their desire to accumulate wealth.  Developing a habit of generosity can help in eliminating that.  The fear of losing all of one’s money can be a snare.  If we are generous with what we have we show that we are putting our trust in the Lord and not in our bank and financial accounts.  The blessings the Lord bestows on His obedient children make it possible for us to give to others.  Though the unsaved may prosper, their prosperity is fleeting and will not last forever.  The blessings that obedient believers receive from the Lord will last forever because they are anchored in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Another blessing that the Lord bestows upon believers who are living their life closely aligned to His Word is that we can live our lives without fear, panic, and apprehension (vs. 7-8).  There are so many fearful things happening in the world today, that we see people all over in a state of worry and fear.  They fear the bad economy and the security of their jobs.  They are afraid of wars and conflicts in various parts of the world and whether they will escalate even worse.  People fear about their health and that of their loved ones, about how their children are doing.  They also fear the deteriorating social and political climate.  However, those who fear the Lord, and who trust in Him do not need to be afraid of evil tidings.  The fear of God can lead to a fearless life.  To “fear God” means to respect and revere Him as the Almighty Lord.  When we trust God to take care of us, our other fears will subside.  A believer should not be afraid when bad news comes.  If we are, how are we any different from the unsaved?  They become filled with alarm and fear.  We have proven God’s faithfulness and we have a living hope.  Evil tidings should not put us in fear.  We know the Lord will undertake for us.

As our psalmist closes this psalm, we read that the Lord will exalt the horn of those who He has blessed, those who obey Him and give generously to the poor (vs. 9).   When the Scriptures talk about exalting someone’s “horn” they are using a figure of speech.  The horns on an animal, such as a rhinoceros, a ram, or a bull can be a symbol of their strength and power.  One does not want to be on the receiving end of any of their horns!  Typically we steer clear of them.  When God “exalts our horn”, it indicates that He is blessing us, giving us strength and prosperity.  In contrast to the righteous man, the wicked man leads a worthless existence without the blessings of the Lord (vs. 10).

After reading through this psalm, seeing the blessings the Lord will give those who obey and follow Him, or the final end of those who have turned away from God and are going their own way, which do you want for your life?  I would certainly choose a life of blessings and honor, a life without fear.  That is the reward for those who have Jesus as their Savior, and who delight in His commandments.

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