Monday, July 29, 2024

The Folly Of Rebellion

Psalm 2

A little child play-boxes with his father, a championship boxer, and we smile as we know that this little preschooler is no match against a grown man, no matter how much the child may think that he can knock daddy down.  It’s no laughing matter if some poor, deluded fool thinks they can stand in front of a hurricane or tornado and command them to stop, or if they think that their words and bravado can challenge an oncoming, speeding train.  One lone person against a mighty army is no match, no matter how brave or courageous we may think they are.  They are only fools.  In our psalm for this week we will read of some other fools, ones who want to challenge the might and authority of God.

The author of Psalm 2 is not given in the Book of Psalms, however the Apostles, in Acts 4:24-26, attribute the psalm to King David.  As our psalm opens, David asks a question, one he finds very surprising, almost incredulous, and that is why do the nations of the world, and the peoples of those nations, think that they can come against almighty God? (vs. 1-3).  They think that they can plot and fight against God, cast off His Word and His rule, and make their own plans.

As we read and ponder the opening verses of this psalm, we see where sin has led mankind, that they feel they can devise, conspire, and scheme against the Lord God.  As David says, though, all of this plotting is vain, it is futile, just as futile as trying to stop a tornado by standing in front of it and hollering for it to stop!

David saw the various nations of his day rebel against Yahweh, and we see the same today.  Nations and people led by their rulers, direct their hostility towards Jesus.  They do not want His rule over them.  They do not want to follow His Word, and instead, they cast it off.  They decree to get God and the Bible out of any government, get it out of the schools, out of TV shows, no religious displays anywhere, including on holidays like Christmas.  And whenever the Lord Jesus or Christianity is mentioned, it is done with great mockery and disdain.  It is pride and power that cause these nations and leaders to rebel against God.  However, God laughs, because any power they have comes from Him, and He can take it from them in a snap (vs. 4).

One complaint that they have against Jesus is that they feel His rule is too restricting.  They want the “freedom” to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and however they want.  They do not want the Bible or any man or woman of God telling them what they can or cannot do.  They look at God’s rule as if they are in bondage, tied up in cords.  However, a fish is not free when it leaves the water, nor is a tree when it leaves the soil.  In fact, both will die soon.  Both of them may have wished to be able to run free wherever they wanted, but it only brings death.  We are not free when we leave the Lord.  We can find that the one sure route to freedom is by wholeheartedly serving the Lord Jesus.

Though the nations conspire against the Lord God, He just laughs.  They are no threat to Him!  Their puny challenge is answered by God’s powerful pronouncement (vs. 5-6).  He warns them that their best course of action is to serve His Son, the Lord Jesus, with fear and trembling, and to pay Him homage or else face His judgment.

David gives those who are considering rebelling against Yahweh a solution to avoid the strong and sure judgment that will come if they continue in their foolish plans, and that is to declare their allegiance to God and His Son, Jesus Christ (vs. 10-12).  If they don’t, they shall be broken and dashed into pieces (vs. 9).  Many people do not like the idea of any sort of absolute truth, such as what we see in the Bible.  They feel truth is subjective, with their personal experiences, preferences, and opinions declaring what is true for them, not God’s Word.  However, they are in for a sad shock when they find that the Bible is the truth, that Jesus is the only way, truth, and life, (John 14:6), and that those who reject Him will perish!

When we approach the Lord’s throne, do we remember Who we are addressing?  He is the mighty, eternal King of all creation, against whom no ruler or army can stand (vs. 11).  God is merciful, though.  Instead of judging these rebel nations, leaders, and their people immediately He provides everyone with an opportunity to repent.  When someone surrenders fully to the Lord, and calls upon Jesus as their Savior, they will be blessed.  Turn to Him today!

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