Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Wall Is Torn Down

Ephesians 2:11-22

We build walls in order to keep people, and sometimes animals out, or to keep them in.  Neighbors put up a wall or a fence in order to mark off their property and to keep their neighbors, and especially their neighbor’s children, from just randomly walking into their yard.  The wall or fence around a yard also keeps our children safe when playing outside, and keeps the dog within the property.  We put walls around prison property to keep the prisoners in and the local population safe.  Countries put walls along the border in order to regulate who comes in, and also to keep their country safe.  At one time God had a figurative wall that blocked access to Himself.  Let’s look into the Scripture and see what that is about.

In the Old Testament days, access to the Lord and to the Holy of Holies, where the Lord Yahweh dwelt, was strictly regulated.  In the Tabernacle, and later in the Temple, certain areas were cordoned off, restricting who was allowed where.  Gentiles were allowed only in the very outer perimeters.  Women were allowed a bit further, but not much.  There were areas where only the Levites could enter, and some only the priests.  Then there was the Holy of Holies, the place where the Ark of the Covenant was kept.  Here only the High Priest could enter, and no one else.  There was even a thick, heavy curtain hanging to block access.  Ordinary folks could not just go anywhere.  Neither could they offer their own sacrifices for the forgiveness of their sins, or even in thanksgiving.  There were even figurative walls built between the Jewish people and Gentiles, who they felt were unclean, and many felt could never, ever have a part with Yahweh.  There were walls, barriers to prohibit people from coming any further.

However, all this changed when the Lord Jesus, the only-begotten Son of God, came and paid the penalty for our sins with the shedding of His sinless Blood.  At the moment that Jesus died, the curtain, or veil in the Temple, was miraculously torn in two (Matthew 27:51).  It is through the Precious Blood of Jesus that all who accept Him as Savior now have access to God (vs 11-13).  There is now no longer a need for some other intermediary.  This includes any Gentiles (non-Jews), who accept Jesus as Savior, those who were formerly prohibited access to God unless they had been circumcised.  Jesus tore down the wall that separated mankind and God.  He opened the way for Gentiles to come to God, and now both Jew and Gentile have been brought near, and can enjoy fellowship with Him.

Not only was the vertical separation between mankind and God overcome by the Blood of Jesus, but also the horizontal one between Jews and Gentiles (vs. 14-18).  Both of these barriers were overcome through the Blood of Jesus.  The ground is level at the foot of the Cross.  Both Jews and Gentiles are equal, not one being first class and the other second class, but as equal members of the family of God, made one in Christ.

In Jesus, the Law was fulfilled, and our sin was forgiven.  All who believe have been forgiven.  We also have peace through Him (vs. 17).  Jesus is the Prince of Peace, in Hebrew Sar Shalom.  He will sustain us through every trial and through every battle we face. When we are troubled on every side, distressed, and cast down, those who are believers in Jesus are able to rest in the peace of God.  The Lord Jesus will be our peace, and He will bring us through to victory.

Access to God is open to all who believe and accept Jesus as Savior (vs. 18-19).  Through the Holy Spirit we have the right to talk to God directly without a human intermediary..  When we were saved, we went from being foreigners and aliens to being children of God.  He is now our Father.  He hears our prayers because we have been made family through redemption of His Son, Jesus Christ.  The presence of the Holy Spirit proves we are one of His own.  Believers have direct and immediate access to God.  Princes are admitted to royalty when common people must stand far off.  The child of God has free access to the inner courts of heaven.

The Berlin Wall was erected in 1961 to surround the City of West Berlin, in order to keep all East Berliners and other people in East Germany from fleeing into freedom in West Berlin.  On June 12, 1987, U.S. President Ronald Reagan gave a speech at the Wall, and challenged the Soviet Union’s Premier Mikhail Gorbachev, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this Wall!”  About 2 ½ years later, on the night of November 9, 1989, crowds started to tear down the wall.  The destruction of that wall brought the people on both sides together once again.  This is what the Lord Jesus did for us, tearing down the wall that separated us from God.

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