Saturday, November 23, 2024

God Is In Control

Daniel 7:9-14

Who is in charge?  It is good to have that clearly known, whether it is in a company, a classroom, village board meeting, the military, or a country.  When some question who’s in authority, and they get loud and vocal, if they try to take the lead spot themselves, chaos can develop, especially if they are trouble-makers, and not good people.  Our Scripture for today is another vision of end times, a time when wicked people are challenging God’s authority, and try to be in charge in this world.   So who really is in charge, who ultimately has authority?  Our Scripture gives the answer.

Daniel was a young Jewish man who had lived in the Kingdom of Judah when the Babylonian empire overran and conquered his homeland, taking him and many others captive back to Babylon.  Because of his godly wisdom and integrity, Daniel quickly rose to advisory positions within the emperor’s court.  During this time the Lord God gave Daniel several visions of future events, some which would occur over the next several hundred years, and some which were visions of end times.

As our Scripture opens, Daniel described one particular vision he had.  He saw a vision of a throne, and upon the throne sat the Ancient of Days (vs. 9-10).  That was a term which was used several times in the Book of Daniel.  It is a name that is used for God, which emphasizes His eternal nature and sovereign authority.  Our Triune God - the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, has existed from all eternity past.

God is seated upon the throne.  He is in charge, and He has the authority.  His throne is not just an ordinary throne.  It is surrounded by fire, which would emphasize His power and authority.  Also surrounding the throne of the Ancient of Days are multitudes of attendants who minister to Him.  This is not a menial king of some back-woods petty kingdom, but the Ruler of the Universe.  He, alone, has the ultimate authority and the final judgment.

In the Book of Daniel he records some visions that he had of various empires that rule over parts or all of the world at various times in history.  He describes them as different types of beasts.  They correspond to the Babylonian empire, the Persian, the Greek, and the Roman empires, along with the final empire of the Antichrist in the future.  These may have, or will be, powerful empires, and their leaders fearsome.  However, they are nothing to the Lord Jesus.  He will defeat all earthy kingdoms that oppose God (vs. 11-12).  We see so much in this world today that opposes God and the truths found in His Word, the Bible.  He will put an end to all of that!

The word “horn” in verse 11 is symbolic of the blasphemous ruler, often associated with the Antichrist.  Though this person will come against God and His truth, and speak arrogant and pompous words against the Lord Jesus, he will be brought down.  We see that the Antichrist will be destroyed and thrown into a burning flame.  This is also verified in Revelation 19:20 and Revelation 20:10.  We can be reassured of God’s ultimate victory over evil.

As Daniel’s vision continues, he sees the “Son of Man” being presented to the Ancient of Days (vs. 13-14).  The term “Son of Man” is a Messianic title.  Frequently in the Gospels Jesus used that to refer to Himself.  When Jesus returns at His second coming, He will come in the clouds (Acts 1:9-11).   He is presented to the Ancient of Days, God the Father, and then given everlasting dominion, glory, and a kingdom which will never be destroyed.  Jesus’ kingdom will be universal and everlasting.

In closing, as we see more and more wicked and evil people taking charge in organizations, companies, and in nations around the world, and as we know that at some time in the future, the Antichrist and his minions will arise, taking over rule over a large part of the world, we don’t need to fear or panic.  We know beyond all doubt that Jesus does have the ultimate authority, and we can be certain of His righteous judgment.  He will return, and at that time set up his eternal kingdom.  Daniel’s vision provides us hope and assurance, so let us remain faithful and steadfast in our faith.

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