Friday, November 29, 2024

What Is Truth?

John 18:33-38

Is there such a thing as absolute truth?  Absolute truth means that something is true no matter what, regardless of opinion.  A couple of examples are that the sun is hot, and that gravity pulls objects downwards to earth.  There are some people who think that all truth is relative, that we can each have our “own truth”.  What's true to you may not be to me is their philosophy.  They believe that the truth is not black and white, but various shades of gray.  However that is not reality or true.  If someone could take a flight to the sun, they would find out, regardless of if they believed it or not, that it is super hot.  If their “personal truth” didn’t include gravity, once they jumped off of a building they'd quickly find out that there is absolute truth.  Pontius Pilate asked when he questioned Jesus on the day of His crucifixion, “What is truth?”  Let’s look at the Scripture passage, and see what the Lord can teach us here.

Several hours before our Scripture passage begins, the Sanhedrin had arrested Jesus.  He was given a mockery of a trial and they charged Him with blasphemy, the penalty being death.  However, being under Roman rule, the Jews were not allowed to execute anyone on their own.  Since the Jewish leaders really wanted Jesus dead, they brought Him to Pontius Pilate, who was the Roman Governor of Judea at the time, hoping he would agree with them and order Jesus’ execution.  The Sanhedrin added the charge of Jesus supposedly calling Himself a king so the Romans might also charge Him with treason.

Jesus was standing before Pilate when our Scripture began, and Pilate questioned Him about the accusation of being the “King of the Jews” (vs. 33).  If Pilate found this to be true, then he had to act, as no one could threaten the rule of the emperor, Tiberius Caesar.  Jesus responded by asking Pilate whether he was asking this on his own accord, or had the Jewish leaders put him up to it.  He answered that he wasn’t Jewish, and that they were the ones who arrested Him (vs. 34-35).  Jesus acknowledged that He was a king, but that His kingdom was not a part of this world (vs. 36).  Jesus’ kingdom is heavenly and eternal, not earthly and temporal.

Jesus continued by saying that He came into this world to bear witness to the truth.  His mission is to reveal God’s truth to humanity.  Those who genuinely seek the truth will hear His voice (vs. 37).  Pilate gave a skeptical and possibly sarcastic answer with “What is truth?” (vs. 38).  He then went back out to the Sanhedrin and told them he did not find any fault in Jesus.  That affirms Jesus’ sinlessness.  He is the perfect, spotless Lamb of God (I Peter 1:19).

Jesus could have responded to Pilate’s question with the words that He had spoken to His disciples the night before, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” (John 14:6).  Jesus is Truth.  Not just a part of a truth, but Truth itself.  All that He has said is truth, and thus the Word of God, the Bible, is truth.  It is truth whether it agrees with someone’s personal philosophy or not, whether it agrees with what they like or not.  It is truth yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and in every circumstance.  It is not subject to someone’s “personal reality”, as many like to say today.

Many people don’t want to admit that there is such a thing as objective or absolute truth - something that is true at all times and in every place.  They especially fight the idea of objective or absolute truth in moral issues.  In a world that questions whether truth, especially moral truth, exists, the issues are debatable with them.  However, with Jesus they are not.  Jesus shows us truth exists, and if we want to know what it is, we should look to Him.

As Christians, we are called to bear witness to the truth of the Gospel, just as Jesus did.  This involves sharing the message of salvation and living out Biblical principles.  We are also reminded in this passage that as believers, our ultimate allegiance is to Jesus’ heavenly kingdom, and are encouraged to live with an eternal mindset, prioritizing spiritual over worldly concerns.

In closing, as we remember, and as Pontius Pilate testified, Jesus was innocent of any sin, both then and all throughout His life.  His death was a sacrificial one for our sins, the innocent for the guilty.  Knowing this, we need to show Jesus our gratitude, and commit to following Him each and every day of our lives.

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