Friday, November 15, 2024

Two Mites

Mark 12:38-44

Do you ever catch yourself taking a peek at what other people put in the offering plate when it is passed in church?  Most of us would have to admit that we do on occasion.   We all know of some people who, if they are giving a large amount, will make sure those banknotes are opened, face up, right on the top and center.  However, if they give a small amount, that banknote is folded and placed in a corner.  Back in the day when people used checks more often, that would also be put face up if it was written for a large amount.  It might come as a surprise to some to know that one day Jesus spent a bit of time watching what people put in the offering at the Temple, and observing how much or how little they gave.  Our Gospel reading today records this event, and let’s take a look at what God’s Word says.

As our Scripture opens, we read how Jesus gave a condemnation and warning of the scribes of His day (vs. 38-40).  Some might wonder exactly who the scribes were.  The scribes in the New Testament at the time of Jesus were highly educated Jewish scholars and legal experts, in both Old Testament religious and civil laws.  They were responsible for copying and interpreting the Scriptures, and they also drafted legal documents for people.  The scribes were usually associated with the Pharisees, and many were part of the Sanhedrin, which was like the Jewish supreme court in Jerusalem.

Jesus pronounced a condemnation on many in this group.  Though, just like there were a few Pharisees that secretly followed Jesus, and after the Resurrection and Ascension joined the disciples as believers, there were a few scribes that also secretly followed Him.  However, most scribes and Pharisees did not believe.  Jesus condemned the hypocrisy and pride that the scribes had.  Though they had their noses in the Scriptures all day, the Words of God had not sunk in any deeper than that.  How many people today are just as outwardly religious, and seemingly know the Bible, but are just as spiritually lost as the scribes?  The scribes, along with the Pharisees opposed Jesus, their Messiah so much, the two groups did all they could to see that He was crucified.

After Jesus spoke out against the scribes, He went into the Temple to where the treasury boxes were located, which were containers that people would place their monetary offerings.  Jesus took a seat nearby where He could observe the people when they gave (vs. 41-44).  He saw the rich, and how they outwardly gave a lot of money, some probably making sure that others noticed their gifts.  And then there were poorer folk, whose offerings were not nearly as much.  They would not have wanted to draw attention to their giving.

As Jesus watched, a poor widow came up to the offering box, and put in just two mites, which today wouldn’t even equal a penny.  We might scoff at that, wondering why she is even bothering to give that.  It’s not that her gift could even buy a stick of incense.  However, Jesus called His disciples over and pointed out to them what she did, not to embarrass her, but to commend her gift.  Why would He do that, and not commend those who gave large amounts?

As we read, this woman was a poor widow.  Most widows in those days were poor, many even destitute.  In those days there was no such thing as a retirement plan, no monthly pension payments from a good job.  An elderly husband and wife lived off of what they might have been able to save, and unless one was very wealthy, that would be very little.  One worked until one died.  There were very few jobs available for women, so when a woman’s husband died, if they were younger and lucky, they would try to remarry someone.  Hopefully a widow might have a son or two, and they could go live with them.  If not, they were out of luck, and reduced to begging.

That was the case with this poor widow.  Yet she made her way to the Temple in order to give to God what little she had.  This woman was destitute, yet she gave what she had to God, and He noticed.  Jesus knew her condition, and gave her great praise.  He pointed out that though the rich gave large amounts, their gifts did not hurt their wallets.  They weren’t going to go home and eat a dry bread crust.  However this woman’s gift, though tiny, was all she had.  Even though she didn’t know how she was going to live from day to day, she made sure she gave to God.

I am sure that God made sure to provide for her, just as He makes sure to provide for us.  We do not need to fear when we give to God.  Jesus always takes care of His own.

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