Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Some Names And Titles Of Jesus

Revelation 1:1-8

Most of us will hold several different titles throughout our life.  First, we are either a son or a daughter of two parents, and likewise a grandson or granddaughter.  Often we are also a brother or sister to one or more siblings.  Later we might become a husband or wife to another, and then perhaps a mother or a father to one or more little ones.  Then at whatever job we hold we have titles.  Some might be more prestigious, like senator, judge, or doctor.  Others might be less so.  Whatever the title, they help in describing who we are.  Our Scripture today speaks of several of the many titles that the Lord Jesus Christ has.  Let’s take a quick look at this passage.

The first title that we read in these opening verses of Revelation is that of “Christ” (vs. 1-2, 5).  This word comes from the Greek word “Christos”, which means “Anointed One”, the Hebrew word being “Mashiach”, from which we get the word “Messiah”.  Throughout the New Testament Jesus is frequently called Jesus Christ, acknowledging Him to be the long promised Messiah, the Savior of mankind.

The next title we read is that of “Faithful Witness” (vs. 5).  A witness is someone who tells others what he has seen or knows.  We frequently see witnesses giving their testimony in the courtroom.  One always hopes that their testimony will be truthful.  We can depend on the witness testimony of Jesus being truthful, as He is the Truth (John 14:6).  The witness of Jesus is one that reveals the character and ways of the Father, as he who has seen Jesus has seen the Father (John 14:9).

Next we see Jesus called the “Firstborn From the Dead” (vs. 5).  As we read in all four Gospels, Jesus took our sins upon Himself, and was crucified.  He died and was buried, and on the third day He rose again from the dead.  Because Jesus rose from the dead, we have the promise to all believers, those who have put their trust in Him, will also rise.  This proves that eternal life is possible for us, too, as Jesus taught us in John 11:25.

Jesus is also given the title of “Ruler Over the Kings of the Earth” (vs 5).  God is the One who raises men to power and removes them from power (John 19:10-11).  Politicians and other rulers may think that they are in their position through their own ingenuity and that of their political party, but it is God who placed them there, and He can and will remove them at His will.  As we read throughout the Book of Revelation, and also in many of the books of the prophets, and in Psalms, Jesus is ruler over all.  One day all creation, including every ruler who ever lived, will bow the knee to Him (Philippians 2:9-11).

We also read that another title of the Lord Jesus is that of the “Alpha and the Omega”, the “Beginning and the End” (vs. 8).  Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.  Greek was the language that the New Testament was written in, and a common language spoken and understood throughout the Roman Empire.  It would be like saying “A through Z” in the Latin or Roman Alphabet.  Jesus is everything, the whole dictionary, the whole encyclopedia, or today we could say He would be the whole Wikipedia.  He is the Creator of everything from A through Z, from the first to the last.

As we read through this passage, we see that as believers, we have the privilege of interceding for one another in prayer, just as our Lord does (vs. 6).  In this verse we read that God has made us kings and priests.  One thing that a priest does is to intercede to the Lord on behalf of the people.  He has called us believers to pray for our brothers and sisters in the Faith, along with others in general.

In closing, I want to look at one sentence in this passage that should brighten our spirits, and that is “Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood” (vs. 5).  Jesus loved us so much that He came to earth, shed His precious Blood to wash away our sins.  Both the penalty and the power of sin have been broken by His sacrifice.  If you ever wondered about His love for you, you do not need to doubt any longer.  As the children’s hymn says, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”

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