Friday, August 16, 2024

Eternal Security

John 6:37-51

Have you ever had a coupon for an item at the store, and then when you go to redeem the coupon, you find out that it has expired.  Or perhaps you find out that you didn’t look at it carefully enough or read the fine print, and you found out that it is only good for certain items, ones of a certain size, weight, color, etc.  What you wanted didn’t qualify.  Your coupon was no good, so you didn't get what you wanted.  Similarly, you might have a ticket to a show, or entrance to an amusement park, but then find out at the gate that the ticket wasn’t valid for some reason.  You are denied entrance.  In our Scripture today we find a precious promise that as believers, we will not be denied or turned away.  Let's see more of what Jesus is talking about.

Our Scripture from John’s Gospel continues on with the discourse teaching that Jesus gave shortly after having multiplied the loaves and fishes, and as He teaches about the Bread of Life.  Immediately prior to this, Jesus stated that He was the Bread of Life, and that those who come to Him will never hunger or thirst (John 6:35).  Now the Savior gives us a promise that those who come to the Father through Him will by no means be cast out (vs. 37).

What does this mean, and why is this such a precious promise?  This verse shows that there is eternal security for the believer.  Some folks believe that once we are saved, we can lose our salvation if we later do something wrong.  They spend their lives “getting saved” over and over again after every time they do something wrong.  However, that is not necessary, as we see here.  Eternal security is guaranteed in a number of places in the Bible, this verse being one.  Jesus will never reject the one who truly believes in Him.  Salvation is a permanent, eternal transaction that cannot be undone.

There is no expiration date on this promise.  Jesus won’t cast us out the first time we come to Him, nor the second, nor any time.  Jesus will never, never cast us out.  If we sin after coming to Him, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus the Righteous (I John 2:1)  If we backslide, God promised to heal that, and love us freely (Hosea 14:4).  Just like with King David, Jesus will wash us whiter than snow (Psalm 51:7).

As we continue in our Scripture, we see an indication of Jesus’ deity, as we see that He came down to earth from heaven (vs. 38). He tells the Pharisees that Yahweh, the One they claim to know and serve, is the very One who sent Him.  What Jesus does and says is the will of God.  In everything He did, He wanted to do the Father’s will and bring Him glory.  Jesus’ example should be the pattern for everything we do.  To ignore or reject Jesus is to violate that will.

In verse 39 we read again a reassuring promise of eternal security, as Jesus states that He will never lose those whom the Father has given Him.  If “once saved, always saved” is not true, then Jesus can lose those souls who had come to Him.  However, Jesus promised that He will never lose them, and His Word is true  Jesus will not lose even one person whom the Father has given Him.  True believers are secure in God’s promise of eternal life.  Jesus will not let His people be overcome by Satan and lose their salvation.

As our Scripture continues we read that all the initiative towards salvation is on the part of God towards the sinner, not from the sinner themselves (vs. 44).  When someone chooses to believe in Jesus as Savior, they do so only in response to the urging of the Holy Spirit, who wishes everyone to be saved.  But only those who respond to Him do obtain salvation.  Then, at that moment, salvation and eternal life is obtained immediately upon believing (vs. 47).  It is not something we just get later, but something we presently have.

When the crowds came to Jesus, He did not use soft, flowery, warm and fuzzy words to make them feel good and comfortable (vs. 41-51).  Many preachers choose to give messages that make the congregation feel good about themselves and only “be positive”.  However, Jesus spoke shocking and strong words, ones to shake them up and awaken them to the truth.  One such truth was that He is the Living Bread which came down from heaven, and that the Living Bread is His very flesh (vs. 51).  To eat the living bread means to accept Jesus into our lives, and become united with Him.

If you haven’t already done so, come to Jesus today.  He will not turn you away.  His offer still stands.  However none of us know how long we have left on earth.  Tomorrow is not guaranteed.  Come to Jesus today!

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