Saturday, August 17, 2024

Wisdom's Invitation

Proverbs 9:1-6

I think just about everyone would like to be given a nice dinner invitation, even someone shy and introverted like myself.  Who wouldn’t want to attend an elegant dinner with some favorite dignitary or celebrity?  Unfortunately, few of us regular common folk have that opportunity.  In our Scripture today from the Book of Proverbs we read of an invitation that is issued to all of us, one that would be foolish for us to ignore or reject.  Let’s briefly see what this invitation is.

Special meals often take a lot of planning, whether it is a big State banquet at the White House or a meal that you are planning for several of your friends for an occasion.  The menu needs to be planned, then purchased, and then special care to prepare it properly.  The best plates and silverware need to be taken out, and the house properly cleaned.  Then when all is ready, we wait for our guests to come.  How disappointing if some of them don’t show up!  We want them all to come!

As we briefly look into our short Scripture we see that an invitation has been issued to all of us from Wisdom to attend the banquet that she has prepared.  In the Bible, and particularly in the Book of Proverbs, Divine Wisdom is personified as a woman.  She represents God’s Wisdom in all of its forms, from His acts of creation, to His presence and involvement in the world, to the wisdom He gives His children.

As our Scripture passage begins, we have a quick look into Wisdom’s house (vs. 1).  The seven pillars are figurative.  In the Bible, the number seven represents completeness and perfection.  Man’s supposed “wisdom” is faulty and incomplete.  God’s wisdom lacks nothing.  It is complete and perfect.

Everything for the banquet was made ready for Wisdom’s guests (vs. 2).  The food and the drink were prepared.  The table was set just right, probably with the best of china, and possibly a beautiful centerpiece.  The Lord’s wisdom is ready for us when we call upon Him for it (James 1:5).

After everything was ready, Wisdom sent out messengers to notify everyone that the banquet was ready (vs. 3).  All throughout history the Lord has sent His messengers out into the world, His prophets, evangelists, apostles, and missionaries.  They bring the Lord’s message to us, calling us to turn to the Lord.  They urge us to turn to His wisdom.  True messengers know where to find that wisdom, exactly where to turn to, just like in this word picture with Wisdom’s maidens (vs. 4).  They knew where to direct people for this banquet, and a true preacher of the Lord knows where to direct people when searching for Him.

The bread and wine symbolize the broken Body of Jesus, along with His shed Blood (vs. 5).  The Savior testified of this at the Last Supper as we read in Matthew 26:26-30 and in I Corinthians 10:16-17.  Jesus gave His life, His Body and Blood for us for our salvation.  It is offered to all mankind, and those who accept show they are not foolish (vs. 6), but have chosen the way of understanding.

We need to turn a deaf ear to worldly foolishness, including false doctrines and false apostles.  We need to choose to go the way of the Bible, which is true understanding.  Wisdom, righteousness, and faithfulness multiply their return on investment.  Foolishness and wickedness leave one spiritually bankrupt (Matthew 25:29).

The Lord has invited us to this banquet with Wisdom.  Many may intend to go to this banquet, but they never make it because they get sidetracked by other activities that seem more important.  What is your decision?  Do you want to accept the Lord’s invitation, or go the way of the world?  Don’t let anything become more important than our search for God’s wisdom.

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