Saturday, August 31, 2024

How To Get Wisdom

Deuteronomy 4:1-9

Most believers would like to be blessed, to have many godly virtues that they practice.  We would all like to show kindness, temperance, honesty, forgiveness, and the other virtues.  Two virtues that are sometimes overlooked are wisdom and understanding.  We all could use more of that these days.  I know I sure would like more of them in my life!  In our Scripture today we read that there is a way to achieve more wisdom and understanding.  Let’s look into this and see what the Lord says is one way that will bring us these virtues.

The Book of Deuteronomy is a record of the final instructions that Moses, the leader of the nation of Israel, gave to the people before they were to cross the Jordan River and enter into the land.  Here he goes over the laws of the Lord and His instructions a second time, reminding them of God’s Words, in order to live a blessed and prosperous life in the land He had promised.  As chapter four begins, Moses admonishes the people to listen to the Word of God, and to obey what He says.  If they do, then God will bless them in the land (vs. 1).

Moses then gives the people a warning, one which he strictly charges the people to obey, and that is to neither add to or take away from the Word of God (vs. 2).  We see this command repeated in the last Book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation (Revelation 22:18-19).   We see a lot of this today.  All too often if someone doesn’t like what the Bible says about this or that topic, issue, or law, they just omit it.  They might not literally tear it out of the Bible, but for all practical purposes they have.  They have the attitude that if they don’t like it, if they disagree with it, they omit it.  And then there are many who, in turn, twist the Words of the Bible to say what they want it to say, in effect, adding to God’s Word.  They twist it to fit and align with their own philosophy and world view of today.  God strictly warns against doing that.  God has said what He has said in the Bible, and means what He has said.

The Lord has said that it is in obeying and observing God’s Word that we will have wisdom and understanding (vs. 6).  Evil is everywhere, and is always trying to tempt us away from obedience to God and His Word.  It cries out about a better life if we do this or that, if we cheat, procrastinate, spend all of our money, and take what doesn’t belong to us.  God’s Word calls us to listen to and obey Him, and not be tempted by what the world has to offer.  God, alone, gives us an abundant life (John 10:10), filled with His wisdom and understanding, along with the other virtues and blessings we receive from Him.

Christians have something that no other religion has - a God who is near us whenever we call upon Him (vs. 7).  The false gods of all other religions do not do that.  They don’t even really exist except as demons posing as gods.  The false gods of various religions of the past, and even those still worshiped today, are portrayed as capricious, fickle, and changeable, always needing to be bribed.  They have no love for their worshipers.  The pagan Greek and Norse gods of the past, and the Hindu gods of today do not love or care about their adherents.  They would certainly never sacrifice anything for them, let alone their only Son for the people’s sins.  However that is exactly what Yahweh did when He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins!  Jesus is God With Us - Immanuel.

Our Scripture closes with a warning, with guidance, and instructions (vs. 9).  It is very easy for us to let our guard down, and to fall into apathy and self-deception.  It is so easy to fall into sin and spiritual danger.  If we follow God’s Word, He will give us the strength to avoid falling in life, and also the forgiveness when we do.  As the old-time hymn says, “Trust and obey, for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey!”

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