Saturday, August 10, 2024

Remember The Lord Our God

Deuteronomy 8:1-10

Many families like to pass down from one generation to another stories about some of the big, important, or heroic deeds that various family members did.  We’ll tell our children about the time our father did this or that, and how our grandmother did something very significant.  Many communities will have a statue or a plaque of some sort to remember some notable resident.  We make movies and write books about people in order to remember what they have done.  The history books are full of them.  If we do this for family members and other notable people throughout history, shouldn’t we make a point of remembering the things that God has done for us?  Our Scripture passage for today encourages us to remember what God has done for us.

The Book of Deuteronomy was written by Moses at the end of the forty years of wandering throughout the wilderness, shortly before they were to enter the Promised Land, and shortly before his death.  In this book, Moses goes over the laws God gave His people a second time, and as we see here, he encourages the people to not forget the Lord once they have entered and settled into the Promised Land.  Once things start to go better in our life, when our job and income are secure, there are no problems with our house or car, our marriage, children, and health are good, it is easy to begin to forget about God.  All throughout the Bible we are called to remember what God has done for us (vs. 2).

Moses specifically wanted the Hebrew people to remember all that the Lord had done for them during the last forty years, His provision, protection, love, and care since they came out of slavery in the land of Egypt, through their journeys in the wilderness, up to this day as they camped on the east side of the Jordan River.  The forty years in the wilderness was a time of God’s affliction and testing, so that the people’s attitude towards God and His commandments could be known.  Those years were not easy, as the land they traveled through was harsh and difficult to live in.  However, they were to remember that the Lord provided for their every need - food, water, their health, their clothing did not wear out, and He protected them from their enemies (vs. 3-4).

Israel’s food in the wilderness was decreed by the Word of God (vs. 3).  They had manna because it came by God’s command.  Ultimately it was not bread that kept them alive, rather it was God’s Word.  Every word in the Bible is important.  The Bible doesn’t merely contain the Word of God, it is the Word of God.

Jesus quoted this verse when Satan tempted Him to turn stones into bread (Matthew 4:4).  Many people think that life should be satisfying one’s appetites with clothes, food, and entertainment in high style.  But that leaves one empty and dissatisfied.  Real life comes from a total commitment to God.  We should never take God’s protection and care for granted, but instead give thanks for all of His blessings.

We can learn valuable spiritual lessons in difficult times.  We learn that we can trust the Lord, and as we trust Him, He will provide for our needs.  The Lord gave the people of Israel manna and water from the rock while they traveled through the wilderness.  Despite difficult times, God can bless us.  Adversity is not a sign of abandonment.  Though this isn’t always the case, sometimes adversity can be sent from God as discipline.  Frequently in the wilderness He had to chasten His people.  God was seeking to correct their wayward attitude so that they might be prepared to obediently go into the land (vs. 5).  If the Lord doesn’t chasten us, this means we aren’t his child (Hebrews 12:8).

God gave the people enough manna for just each day because He wanted to show us that we need to depend on Him daily.  Because of His provisions, believers should be mindful to give thanks to God before or after we eat each meal (vs. 10).  Not only does the Lord provide for our physical needs each day, for which we should be sure to remember and give thanks, He also strengthens us to face fears, and He feeds our faith through His Word.

Are you faithful to remember all that the Lord has done for you, or have His many blessings slipped from your mind, all the blessings He has given you, your family, and your friends?  Let’s be sure that we remember the Lord our God.

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